Regularity for fully nonlinear integro-differential operators with regularly varying kernels

Abstract in English

In this paper, the regularity results for the integro-differential operators of the fractional Laplacian type by Caffarelli and Silvestre cite{CS1} are extended to those for the integro-differential operators associated with symmetric, regularly varying kernels at zero. In particular, we obtain the uniform Harnack inequality and Holder estimate of viscosity solutions to the nonlinear integro-differential equations associated with the kernels $K_{sigma, beta}$ satisfying $$ K_{sigma,beta}(y)asymp frac{ 2-sigma}{|y|^{n+sigma}}left( logfrac{2}{|y|^2}right)^{beta(2-sigma)}quad mbox{near zero} $$ with respect to $sigmain(0,2)$ close to $2$ (for a given $betainmathbb R$), where the regularity estimates do not blow up as the order $ sigmain(0,2)$ tends to $2.$
