Dipole Polarizability of Alkali-Metal (Na, K, Rb) - Alkaline-Earth-Metal (Ca,Sr) Polar molecules - Prospects of Alignment

Abstract in English

Electronic open-shell ground-state properties of selected alkali-metal (AM) - alkaline-earth-metal (AEM) polar molecules are investigated. We determine potential energy curves of the 2{Sigma}+ ground state at the coupled-cluster singles and doubles with partial triples (CCSD(T)) level of electron correlation. Calculated spectroscopic constants for the isotopes (23Na, 39K, 85Rb) - (40Ca, 88Sr) are compared with available theoretical and experimental results. The variation of the permanent dipole moment (PDM), average dipole polarizability, and polarizability anisotropy with internuclear distance is determined using finite-field perturbation theory at the CCSD(T) level. Owing to moderate PDM (KCa: 1.67 D, RbCa: 1.75 D, KSr: 1.27 D, RbSr: 1.41 D) and large polarizability anisotropy (KCa: 566 a.u., RbCa: 604 a.u., KSr: 574 a.u., RbSr: 615 a.u.), KCa, RbCa, KSr, and RbSr are potential candidates for alignment and orientation in combined intense laser and external static electric fields.
