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Combinatorial Search With Picat

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 Added by Neng-Fa Zhou
 Publication date 2014
and research's language is English
 Authors Neng-Fa Zhou

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Picat, a new member of the logic programming family, follows a different doctrine than Prolog in offering the core logic programming concepts: arrays and maps as built-in data types; implicit pattern matching with explicit unification and explicit non-determinism; functions for deterministic computations; and loops for convenient scripting and modeling purposes. Picat provides facilities for solving combinatorial search problems, including a common interface with CP, SAT, and MIP solvers, tabling for dynamic programming, and a module for planning. Picats planner module, which is implemented by the use of tabling, has produced surprising and encouraging results. Thanks to term-sharing and resource-bounded tabled search, Picat overwhelmingly outperforms the cutting-edge ASP and PDDL planners on the planning benchmarks used in recent ASP competitions.

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In this paper we present several examples of solving algorithmic problems from the Google Code Jam programming contest with Picat programming language using declarative techniques: constraint logic programming and tabled logic programming. In some cases the use of Picat simplifies the implementation compared to conventional imperative programming languages, while in others it allows to directly convert the problem statement into an efficiently solvable declarative problem specification without inventing an imperative algorithm.
We have fabricated Fe-B thin film composition spreads in search of possible superconducting phases following a theoretical prediction by Kolmogorov et al.^1 Co-sputtering was used to deposit spreads covering a large compositional region of the Fe-B binary phase diagram. A trace of superconducting phase was found in the nanocrystalline part of the spread, where the film undergoes a metal to insulator transition as a function of composition in a region with the average composition of FeB_2. The resistance drop occurs at 4K, and a diamagnetic signal has also been detected at the same temperature. The superconductivity is suppressible in the magnetic field up to 2 Tesla.
102 - Johan Bos 2020
Programming in Prolog is hard for programmers that are used to procedural coding. In this manual the method of drawing search trees is introduced with the aim to get a better understanding of how Prolog works. After giving a first example of a Prolog database, query and search tree, the art of drawing search trees is systematically introduced giving guidelines for queries with variables, conjunction, disjunction, and negation. Further examples are provided by giving the complete search trees that are shown in Learn Prolog Now!
We unify two prominent lines of work on multi-armed bandits: bandits with knapsacks (BwK) and combinatorial semi-bandits. The former concerns limited resources consumed by the algorithm, e.g., limited supply in dynamic pricing. The latter allows a huge number of actions but assumes combinatorial structure and additional feedback to make the problem tractable. We define a common generalization, support it with several motivating examples, and design an algorithm for it. Our regret bounds are comparable with those for BwK and combinatorial semi- bandits.
We study combinatorial auctions with bidders that exhibit endowment effect. In most of the previous work on cognitive biases in algorithmic game theory (e.g., [Kleinberg and Oren, EC14] and its follow-ups) the focus was on analyzing the implications and mitigating their negative consequences. In contrast, in this paper we show how in some cases cognitive biases can be harnessed to obtain better outcomes. Specifically, we study Walrasian equilibria in combinatorial markets. It is well known that Walrasian equilibria exist only in limited settings, e.g., when all valuations are gross substitutes, but fails to exist in more general settings, e.g., when the valuations are submodular. We consider combinatorial settings in which bidders exhibit the endowment effect, that is, their value for items increases with ownership. Our main result shows that when the valuations are submodular, even a mild degree of endowment effect is sufficient to guarantee the existence of Walrasian equilibria. In fact, we show that in contrast to Walrasian equilibria with standard utility maximizing bidders -- in which the equilibrium allocation must be efficient -- when bidders exhibit endowment effect any local optimum can be an equilibrium allocation. Our techniques reveal interesting connections between the LP relaxation of combinatorial auctions and local maxima. We also provide lower bounds on the intensity of the endowment effect that the bidders must have in order to guarantee the existence of a Walrasian equilibrium in various settings.
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