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Evolution from incoherent to coherent electronic states and its implications to superconductivity in FeTe1-xSex

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 Added by Kosuke Nakayama
 Publication date 2014
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We have performed systematic angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) of iron-chalcogenide superconductor FeTe1-xSex to elucidate the electronic states relevant to the superconductivity. While the Fermi-surface shape is nearly independent of x, we found that the ARPES spectral line shape shows prominent x dependence. A broad ARPES spectrum characterized by a small quasiparticle weight at x = 0, indicative of incoherent electronic states, becomes progressively sharper with increasing x, and a well-defined quasiparticle peak appears around x = 0.45 where bulk superconductivity is realized. The present result suggests the evolution from incoherent to coherent electronic states and its close relationship to the emergence of superconductivity.

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64 - H. Ding 2000
In conventional superconductors, the pairing energy gap (Delta) and superconducting phase coherence go hand-in-hand. As the temperature is lowered, both the energy gap and phase coherence appear at the transition temperature T_c. In contrast, in underdoped high-T_c superconductors (HTSCs), a pseudogap appears at a much higher temperature T^*, smoothly evolving into the superconducting gap at T_c. Phase coherence on the other hand is only established at T_c, signaled by the appearance of a sharp quasiparticle (QP) peak in the excitation spectrum. Another important difference between the two types of superconductors is in the ratio of 2Delta / T_c=R. In BCS theory, R~3.5, is constant. In the HTSCs this ratio varies widely, continuing to increase in the underdoped region, where the gap increases while T_c decreases. Here we report that in HTSCs it is the ratio z_ADelta_m/T_c which is approximately constant, where Delta_m is the maximum value of the d-wave gap, and z_A is the weight of the coherent excitations in the spectral function. This is highly unusual, since in nearly all phase transitions, T_c is determined by an energy scale alone. We further show that in the low-temperature limit, z_{it A} increases monotonically with increasing doping x. The growth is linear, i.e. z_A(x)propto x, in the underdoped to optimally doped regimes, and slows down in overdoped samples. The reduction of z_A with increasing temperature resembles that of the c-axis superfluid density.
We report a comparative study of the series Fe1.1Te1-xSex and the stoichiometric FeTe1-xSex to bring out the difference in their magnetic, superconducting and electronic properties. The Fe1.1Te1-xSex series is found to be magnetic and its microscopic properties are elucidated through Moessbauer spectroscopy. The magnetic phase diagram of Fe1.1Te1-xSex is traced out and it shows the emergence of spin-glass state when the antiferromagnetic state is destabilized by the Se substitution. The isomer shift and quadrupolar splitting obtained from the Moessbauer spectroscopy clearly brings out the electronic differences in these two series.
We have systematically investigated the crystal structure, magnetic susceptibility, and electrical resistivity of the BiS2-based superconductor LaO0.5F0.5Bi(S1-xSex)2 (x = 0 - 0.7). With expanding lattice volume by Se substitution, bulk superconductivity was induced for x > 0.2, and the highest Tc of 3.8 K was observed in x = 0.5 (LaO0.5F0.5BiSSe). Metallic conductivity was observed for x > 0.3 in the resistivity measurement, whereas semiconducting-like behavior was observed for x < 0.2. The induction of bulk superconductivity by the partial substitution of S by Se in the LaO0.5F0.5BiS2 superconductor should be positively linked to the enhancement of metallic conductivity.
Based on first principles calculations, the electronic structure of CuTeO$_4$ is discussed in the context of superconducting cuprates. Despite some significant crystallographic differences, we find that CuTeO$_4$ is similar to these cuprates, exhibiting a quasi two dimensional electronic structure that involves hybridized Cu-$d$ and O-$p$ states in the vicinity of the Fermi level, along with an antiferromagnetic insulating ground state. Hole doping this material by substituting Te$^{6+}$ with Sb$^{5+}$ would be of significant interest.
Tungsten ditelluride has attracted intense research interest due to the recent discovery of its large unsaturated magnetoresistance up to 60 Tesla. Motivated by the presence of a small, sensitive Fermi surface of 5d electronic orbitals, we boost the electronic properties by applying a high pressure, and introduce superconductivity successfully. Superconductivity sharply appears at a pressure of 2.5 GPa, rapidly reaching a maximum critical temperature (Tc) of 7 K at around 16.8 GPa, followed by a monotonic decrease in Tc with increasing pressure, thereby exhibiting the typical dome-shaped superconducting phase. From theoretical calculations, we interpret the low-pressure region of the superconducting dome to an enrichment of the density of states at the Fermi level and attribute the high-pressure decrease in Tc to possible structural instability. Thus, Tungsten ditelluride may provide a new platform for our understanding of superconductivity phenomena in transition metal dichalcogenides.
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