Neutron star-black hole mergers with a nuclear equation of state and neutrino cooling: Dependence in the binary parameters

Abstract in English

We present a first exploration of the results of neutron star-black hole mergers using black hole masses in the most likely range of $7M_odot-10M_odot$, a neutrino leakage scheme, and a modeling of the neutron star material through a finite-temperature nuclear-theory based equation of state. In the range of black hole spins in which the neutron star is tidally disrupted ($chi_{rm BH}gtrsim 0.7$), we show that the merger consistently produces large amounts of cool ($Tlesssim 1,{rm MeV}$), unbound, neutron-rich material ($M_{rm ej}sim 0.05M_odot-0.20M_odot$). A comparable amount of bound matter is initially divided between a hot disk ($T_{rm max}sim 15,{rm MeV}$) with typical neutrino luminosity $L_ usim 10^{53},{rm erg/s}$, and a cooler tidal tail. After a short period of rapid protonization of the disk lasting $sim 10,{rm ms}$, the accretion disk cools down under the combined effects of the fall-back of cool material from the tail, continued accretion of the hottest material onto the black hole, and neutrino emission. As the temperature decreases, the disk progressively becomes more neutron-rich, with dimmer neutrino emission. This cooling process should stop once the viscous heating in the disk (not included in our simulations) balances the cooling. These mergers of neutron star-black hole binaries with black hole masses $M_{rm BH}sim 7M_odot-10M_odot$ and black hole spins high enough for the neutron star to disrupt provide promising candidates for the production of short gamma-ray bursts, of bright infrared post-merger signals due to the radioactive decay of unbound material, and of large amounts of r-process nuclei.
