On/off switching of bit readout in bias-enhanced tunnel magneto-Seebeck effect

Abstract in English

Thermoelectric effects in magnetic tunnel junctions are currently an attractive research topic. Here, we demonstrate that the tunnel magneto-Seebeck effect (TMS) in CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB tunnel junctions can be switched on to a logic 1 state and off to 0 by simply changing the magnetic state of the CoFeB electrodes. We enable this new functionality of magnetic tunnel junctions by combining a thermal gradient and an electric field. This new technique unveils the bias-enhanced tunnel magneto-Seebeck effect, which can serve as the basis for logic devices or memories in a green information technology with a pure thermal write and read process. Furthermore, the thermally generated voltages that are referred to as the Seebeck effect are well known to sensitively depend on the electronic structure and therefore have been valued in solid-state physics for nearly one hundred years. Here, we lift Seebecks historic discovery from 1821 to a new level of current spintronics. Our results show that the signal crosses zero and can be adjusted by tuning a bias voltage that is applied between the electrodes of the junction; hence, the name of the effect is bias-enhanced tunnel magneto-Seebeck effect (bTMS). Via the spin- and energy-dependent transmission of electrons in the junction, the bTMS effect can be configured using the bias voltage with much higher control than the tunnel magnetoresistance (TMR) and even completely suppressed for only one magnetic configuration, which is either parallel (P) or anti-parallel (AP). This option allows a readout contrast for the magnetic information of -3000% at room temperature while maintaining a large signal for one magnetic orientation. This contrast is much larger than the value that can be obtained using the TMR effect. Moreover, our measurements are a step towards the experimental realization of high TMS ratios, which are predicted for specific Co-Fe compositions.
