On the Performance of Quasar Reverberation Mapping in the Era of Time-Domain Photometric Surveys

Abstract in English

We quantitatively assess, by means of comprehensive numerical simulations, the ability of broad-band photometric surveys to recover the broad emission line region (BLR) size in quasars under various observing conditions and for a wide range of object properties. Focusing on the general characteristics of the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST), we find that the slope of the size-luminosity relation for the BLR in quasars can be determined with unprecedented accuracy, of order a few percent, over a broad luminosity range and out to $zsim 3$. In particular, major emission lines for which the BLR size can be reliably measured with LSST include H$alpha$, MgII $lambda 2799$, CIII] $lambda 1909$, CIV $lambda 1549$, and Ly$alpha$, amounting to a total of $gtrsim 10^5$ time-delay measurements for all transitions. Combined with an estimate for the emission line velocity dispersion, upcoming photometric surveys will facilitate the estimation of black hole masses in AGN over a broad range of luminosities and redshifts, allow for refined calibrations of BLR size-luminosity-redshift relations in different transitions, as well as lead to more reliable cross-calibration with other black hole mass estimation techniques.
