On the Discovery of Strong Magnetic Field in HD 34736 Binary System

Abstract in English

We present the results of a study of the star HD 34736. The spectropolarimetric observations carried out at the 6-m telescope showed the presence of a strong variable longitudinal magnetic field, exceeding -4500 G. The analysis of the HIPPARCOS photometry gives a set of possible periods of the brightness variability of the star, of which 0.3603 days is preferred. The variable radial velocity of spectral lines of the star and some signatures of lines of at least one other component show that HD 34736 is a double short-period system. Modeling of the spectra allowed us to estimate the effective temperature $T_{eff}$ of the stars (13 700 and 11 500 K) and their projected rotational velocities $vsin i$ (73 and $geq90$ km s$^{-1}$). The analysis of all the available information about the star allows us to hypothesize that the object of study is a close, possibly interacting binary system.
