Band-selective shaped pulse for high fidelity quantum control in diamond

Abstract in English

High fidelity quantum control over qubits is of crucial importance for realistic quantum computing, and it turns to be more challenging when there are inevitable interactions among qubits. By employing a bandselective shaped pulse, we demonstrate a high fidelity flip over electron spin of nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond. In contrast with traditional rectangular pulses, the shaped pulse has almost equal excitation effect among a sharply edged region (in frequency domain). So the three sub-levels of host $^{14}N$ nuclear spin can be flipped accurately at the same time, while the redundant flip of other sublevels (e. g. of a nearby $^{13}C$ nuclear spin ) is well suppressed. The shaped pulse can be applied to a large amount of quantum systems in which band-selective operation are required.
