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Molecular Gas Clumps from the Destruction of Icy Bodies in the $beta$ Pictoris Debris Disk

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 Added by W. R. F. Dent
 Publication date 2014
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Many stars are surrounded by disks of dusty debris formed in the collisions of asteroids, comets and dwarf planets. But is gas also released in such events? Observations at submm wavelengths of the archetypal debris disk around $beta$ Pictoris show that 0.3% of a Moon mass of carbon monoxide orbits in its debris belt. The gas distribution is highly asymmetric, with 30% found in a single clump 85AU from the star, in a plane closely aligned with the orbit of the inner planet, $beta$ Pic b. This gas clump delineates a region of enhanced collisions, either from a mean motion resonance with an unseen giant planet, or from the remnants of a collision of Mars-mass planets.

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The young star beta Pictoris is well known for its dusty debris disk, produced through the grinding down by collisions of planetesimals, kilometre-sized bodies in orbit around the star. In addition to dust, small amounts of gas are also known to orbit the star, likely the result from vaporisation of violently colliding dust grains. The disk is seen edge on and from previous absorption spectroscopy we know that the gas is very rich in carbon relative to other elements. The oxygen content has been more difficult to assess, however, with early estimates finding very little oxygen in the gas at a C/O ratio 20x higher than the cosmic value. A C/O ratio that high is difficult to explain and would have far-reaching consequences for planet formation. Here we report on observations by the far-infrared space telescope Herschel, using PACS, of emission lines from ionised carbon and neutral oxygen. The detected emission from C+ is consistent with that previously reported being observed by the HIFI instrument on Herschel, while the emission from O is hard to explain without assuming a higher-density region in the disk, perhaps in the shape of a clump or a dense torus, required to sufficiently excite the O atoms. A possible scenario is that the C/O gas is produced by the same process responsible for the CO clump recently observed by ALMA in the disk, and that the re-distribution of the gas takes longer than previously assumed. A more detailed estimate of the C/O ratio and the mass of O will have to await better constraints on the C/O gas spatial distribution.
The debris disk surrounding $beta$ Pictoris has a gas composition rich in carbon and oxygen, relative to solar abundances. Two possible scenarios have been proposed to explain this enrichment. The preferential production scenario suggests that the gas produced may be naturally rich in C and O, while the alternative preferential depletion scenario states that the enrichment has evolved to the current state from a gas with solar-like abundances. In the latter case, the radiation pressure from the star expels the gas outwards, leaving behind species less sensitive to stellar radiation such as C and O. Nitrogen is also not sensitive to radiation pressure due to its low oscillator strength, which would make it also overabundant under the preferential depletion scenario. As such, the abundance of N in the disk may provide clues to why C and O are overabundant. We aim to measure the N column density in the direction of $beta$ Pic, and use this information to disentangle these different scenarios explaining the C and O overabundance. Using far-UV spectroscopic data collected by the HSTs Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) instrument, we analyse the spectrum and characterise the NI triplet by modelling the absorption lines. We measure the N column density in the direction of $beta$ Pic for the first time, and find it to be $log(N_{mathrm{NI}}/1,mathrm{cm}^2) = 14.9pm0.7$. The N gas is found to be consistent with solar abundances and Halley dust. The solar N abundance supports the preferential production hypothesis, in which the composition of gas in $beta$,Pic is the result of photodesorption from icy grains rich in C and O or collisional vaporisation of C and O rich dust in the disk. It does not support the hypothesis that C and O are overabundant due to the insensitivity of C and O to radiation pressure thereby leaving them to accumulate in the disk.
The young and nearby star beta Pictoris (beta Pic) is surrounded by a debris disk composed of dust and gas known to host a myriad evaporating exocomets, planetesimals and at least one planet. At an edge-on inclination, as seen from Earth, this system is ideal for debris disk studies providing an excellent opportunity to use absorption spectroscopy to study the planet forming environment. Using the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) instrument on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) we observe the most abundant element in the disk, hydrogen, through the HI Lyman alpha (Ly-alpha) line. We present a new technique to decrease the contamination of the Ly-alpha line by geocoronal airglow in COS spectra. This Airglow Virtual Motion (AVM) technique allows us to shift the Ly-alpha line of the astrophysical target away from the contaminating airglow emission revealing more of the astrophysical line profile. The column density of hydrogen in the beta Pic stable gas disk at the stellar radial velocity is measured to be $log(N_{mathrm{H}}/1 mathrm{cm}^2) ll 18.5$. The Ly-alpha emission line profile is found to be asymmetric and we propose that this is caused by HI falling in towards the star with a bulk radial velocity of $41pm6$ km/s relative to beta Pic and a column density of $log(N_{mathrm{H}}/1 mathrm{cm}^2) = 18.6pm0.1$. The high column density of hydrogen relative to the hydrogen content of CI chondrite meteorites indicates that the bulk of the hydrogen gas does not come from the dust in the disk. This column density reveals a hydrogen abundance much lower than solar, which excludes the possibility that the detected hydrogen could be a remnant of the protoplanetary disk or gas expelled by the star. We hypothesise that the hydrogen gas observed falling towards the star arises from the dissociation of water originating from evaporating exocomets.
176 - Alexis Brandeker 2011
Ever since the discovery of the edge-on circumstellar disk around beta Pictoris, a standing question has been why the gas observed against the star in absorption is not rapidly expelled by the strong radiation pressure from the star. A solution to the puzzle has been suggested to be that the neutral elements that experience the radiation force also are rapidly ionized, and so are only able to accelerate to an average limiting velocity v_ion. Once ionized, the elements are rapidly braked by C II, which is observed to be at least 20x overabundant in the disk with respect to other species. A prediction from this scenario is that different neutral elements should reach different v_ion, depending on the ionization thresholds and strengths of driving line transitions. In particular, neutral Fe and Na are predicted to reach the radial velocities 0.5 and 3.3 km/s, respectively, before being ionized. In this paper we study the absorption profiles of Fe and Na from the circumstellar gas disk around beta Pic, as obtained by HARPS at the ESO 3.6m telescope. We find that the Fe and Na velocity profiles are indeed shifted with respect to each other, confirming the model. The absence of an extended blue wing in the profile of Na, however, indicates that there must be some additional braking on the neutrals. We explore the possibility that the ion gas (dominated by C II) can brake the neutrals, and conclude that about 2-5x more C than previously estimated is needed for the predicted line profile to be consistent with the observed one.
We present observations at 1.3 millimeters wavelength of the beta Pictoris debris disk with beam size 4.3 x 2.6 arcsec (83 x 50 AU) from the Submillimeter Array. The emission shows two peaks separated by ~7 arsec along the disk plane, which we interpret as a highly inclined dust ring or belt. A simple model constrains the belt center to 94+/-8 AU, close to the prominent break in slope of the optical scattered light. We identify this region as the location as the main reservoir of dust producing planetesimals in the disk.
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