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Photometric and Spectroscopic Properties of Type II-P Supernovae

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 Added by Dovi Poznanski
 Publication date 2014
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We study a sample of 23 Type II Plateau supernovae (SNe II-P), all observed with the same set of instruments. Analysis of their photometric evolution confirms that their typical plateau duration is 100 days with little scatter, showing a tendency to get shorter for more energetic SNe. The rise time from explosion to plateau does not seem to correlate with luminosity. We analyze their spectra, measuring typical ejecta velocities, and confirm that they follow a well behaved power-law decline. We find indications of high-velocity material in the spectra of six of our SNe. We test different dust extinction correction methods by asking the following -- does the uniformity of the sample increase after the application of a given method? A reasonably behaved underlying distribution should become tighter after correction. No method we tested made a significant improvement.

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We present a spectroscopic analysis of the H-alpha profiles of hydrogen-rich type II supernovae. A total of 52 type II supernovae having well sampled optical light curves and spectral sequences were analyzed. Concentrating on the H-alpha P-Cygni profile we measure its velocity from the FWHM of emission and the ratio of absorption to emission (a/e) at a common epoch at the start of the recombination phase, and search for correlations between these spectral parameters and photometric properties of the V-band light curves. Testing the strength of various correlations we find that a/e appears to be the dominant spectral parameter in terms of describing the diversity in our measured supernova properties. It is found that supernovae with smaller a/e have higher H-alpha velocities, more rapidly declining light curves from maximum, during the plateau and radioactive tail phase, are brighter at maximum light and have shorter optically thick phase durations. We discuss possible explanations of these results in terms of physical properties of type II supernovae, speculating that the most likely parameters which influence the morphologies of H-alpha profiles are the mass and density profile of the hydrogen envelope, together with additional emission components due to circumstellar interaction.
Ultraviolet (UV) observations of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) probe the outermost layers of the explosion, and UV spectra of SNe Ia are expected to be extremely sensitive to differences in progenitor composition and the details of the explosion. Here we present the first study of a sample of high signal-to-noise ratio SN Ia spectra that extend blueward of 2900 A. We focus on spectra taken within 5 days of maximum brightness. Our sample of ten SNe Ia spans the majority of the parameter space of SN Ia optical diversity. We find that SNe Ia have significantly more diversity in the UV than in the optical, with the spectral variance continuing to increase with decreasing wavelengths until at least 1800 A (the limit of our data). The majority of the UV variance correlates with optical light-curve shape, while there are no obvious and unique correlations between spectral shape and either ejecta velocity or host-galaxy morphology. Using light-curve shape as the primary variable, we create a UV spectral model for SNe Ia at peak brightness. With the model, we can examine how individual SNe vary relative to expectations based on only their light-curve shape. Doing this, we confirm an excess of flux for SN 2011fe at short wavelengths, consistent with its progenitor having a subsolar metallicity. While most other SNe Ia do not show large deviations from the model, ASASSN-14lp has a deficit of flux at short wavelengths, suggesting that its progenitor was relatively metal rich.
We present an analysis of observed trends and correlations between a large range of spectral and photometric parameters of more than 100 type II supernovae (SNe~II), during the photospheric phase. We define a common epoch for all SNe of 50 days post-explosion where the majority of the sample is likely to be under similar physical conditions. Several correlation matrices are produced to search for interesting trends between more than 30 distinct light-curve and spectral properties that characterize the diversity of SNe~II. Overall, SNe with higher expansion velocities are brighter, have more rapidly declining light-curves, shorter plateau durations, and higher $^{56}$Ni masses. Using a larger sample than previous studies, we argue that `$Pd$ - the plateau duration from the transition of the initial to `plateau decline rates to the end of the `plateau - is a better indicator of the hydrogen envelope mass than the traditionally used optically thick phase duration ($OPTd$: explosion epoch to end of plateau). This argument is supported by the fact that $Pd$ also correlates with s$_3$, the light-curve decline rate at late times: lower $Pd$ values correlate with larger s$_3$ decline rates. Large s$_3$ decline rates are likely related to lower envelope masses that enables gamma-ray escape. We also find a significant anticorrelation between $Pd$ and s$_2$ (the plateau decline rate), confirming the long standing hypothesis that faster declining SNe~II (SNe~IIL) are the result of explosions with lower hydrogen envelope masses and therefore have shorter $Pd$ values.
We examine the late-time (t > 200 days after peak brightness) spectra of Type Iax supernovae (SNe Iax), a low-luminosity, low-energy class of thermonuclear stellar explosions observationally similar to, but distinct from, Type Ia supernovae. We present new spectra of SN 2014dt, resulting in the most complete published late-time spectral sequence of a SN Iax. At late times, SNe Iax have generally similar spectra, all with a similar continuum shape and strong forbidden-line emission. However, there is also significant diversity where some late-time SN Iax spectra display narrow P-Cygni features and a continuum indicative of a photosphere in addition to strong narrow forbidden lines, while others have no obvious P-Cygni features, strong broad forbidden lines, and weak narrow forbidden lines. Finally, some SNe Iax have spectra intermediate to these two varieties with weak P-Cygni features and broad/narrow forbidden lines of similar strength. We find that SNe Iax with strong broad forbidden lines also tend to be more luminous and have higher-velocity ejecta at peak brightness. We estimate blackbody and kinematic radii of the late-time photosphere, finding the latter an order of magnitude larger than the former. We propose a two-component model that solves this discrepancy and explains the diversity of the late-time spectra of SNe Iax. In this model, the broad forbidden lines originate from the SN ejecta, while the photosphere, P-Cygni lines, and narrow forbidden lines originate from a wind launched from the remnant of the progenitor white dwarf and is driven by the radioactive decay of newly synthesized material left in the remnant. The relative strength of the two components accounts for the diversity of late-time SN Iax spectra. This model also solves the puzzle of a long-lived photosphere and slow late-time decline of SNe Iax. (Abridged)
We present $81$ near-infrared (NIR) spectra of $30$ Type II supernovae (SNe II) from the Carnegie Supernova Project-II (CSP-II), the largest such dataset published to date. We identify a number of NIR features and characterize their evolution over time. The NIR spectroscopic properties of SNe II fall into two distinct groups. This classification is first based on the strength of the He I $lambda1.083,mu$m absorption during the plateau phase; SNe II are either significantly above (spectroscopically strong) or below $50$ angstroms (spectroscopically weak) in pseudo equivalent width. However between the two groups, other properties, such as the timing of CO formation and the presence of Sr II, are also observed. Most surprisingly, the distinct weak and strong NIR spectroscopic classes correspond to SNe II with slow and fast declining light curves, respectively. These two photometric groups match the modern nomenclature of SNe IIP and IIL. Including NIR spectra previously published, 18 out of 19 SNe II follow this slow declining-spectroscopically weak and fast declining-spectroscopically strong correspondence. This is in apparent contradiction to the recent findings in the optical that slow and fast decliners show a continuous distribution of properties. The weak SNe II show a high-velocity component of helium that may be caused by a thermal excitation from a reverse-shock created by the outer ejecta interacting with the red supergiant wind, but the origin of the observed dichotomy is not understood. Further studies are crucial in determining whether the apparent differences in the NIR are due to distinct physical processes or a gap in the current data set.
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