Non-linear Optical Spectroscopy of Excited Exciton States for Efficient Valley Coherence Generation in WSe2 Monolayers

Abstract in English

Monolayers (MLs) of MoS2 and WSe2 are 2D semiconductors with strong, direct optical transitions that are governed by tightly Coulomb bound eletron-hole pairs (excitons). The optoelectronic properties of these transition metal dichalcogenides are directly related to the inherent crystal inversion symmetry breaking. It allows for efficient second harmonic generation (SHG) and is at the origin of chiral optical selections rules, which enable efficient optical initialization of electrons in specific K-valleys in momentum space. Here we demonstrate how these unique non-linear and linear optical properties can be combined to efficiently prepare exciton valley coherence and polarization through resonant pumping of an excited exciton state. In particular a new approach to coherent alignment of excitons following two-photon excitation is demonstrated. We observe a clear deviation of the excited exciton spectrum from the standard Rydberg series via resonances in SHG spectroscopy and two- and one-photon absorption. The clear identification of the 2s and 2p exciton excited states combined with first principle calculations including strong anti-screening effects allows us to determine an exciton binding energy of the order of 600 meV in ML WSe2.
