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3D-HST WFC3-selected Photometric Catalogs in the Five CANDELS/3D-HST Fields: Photometry, Photometric Redshifts and Stellar Masses

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 Added by Rosalind Skelton
 Publication date 2014
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The 3D-HST and CANDELS programs have provided WFC3 and ACS spectroscopy and photometry over ~900 square arcminutes in five fields: AEGIS, COSMOS, GOODS-North, GOODS-South, and the UKIDSS UDS field. All these fields have a wealth of publicly available imaging datasets in addition to the HST data, which makes it possible to construct the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of objects over a wide wavelength range. In this paper we describe a photometric analysis of the CANDELS and 3D-HST HST imaging and the ancillary imaging data at wavelengths 0.3um to 8um. Objects were selected in the WFC3 near-IR bands, and their SEDs were determined by carefully taking the effects of the point spread function in each observation into account. A total of 147 distinct imaging datasets were used in the analysis. The photometry is made available in the form of six catalogs: one for each field, as well as a master catalog containing all objects in the entire survey. We also provide derived data products: photometric redshifts, determined with the EAZY code, and stellar population parameters determined with the FAST code. We make all the imaging data that were used in the analysis available, including our reductions of the WFC3 imaging in all five fields. 3D-HST is a spectroscopic survey with the WFC3 and ACS grisms, and the photometric catalogs presented here constitute a necessary first step in the analysis of these grism data. All the data presented in this paper are available through the 3D-HST website.

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We present a study of photometric redshift accuracy in the 3D-HST photometric catalogs, using 3D-HST grism redshifts to quantify and dissect trends in redshift accuracy for galaxies brighter than $H_{F140W}<24$ with an unprecedented and representative high-redshift galaxy sample. We find an average scatter of $0.0197pm0.0003(1+z)$ in the Skelton et al. (2014) photometric redshifts. Photometric redshift accuracy decreases with magnitude and redshift, but does not vary monotonically with color or stellar mass. The 1-$sigma$ scatter lies between $0.01-0.03$(1+z) for galaxies of all masses and colors below $z<2.5$ (for $H_{F140W}{<}24$), with the exception of a population of very red ($U-V > 2$), dusty star-forming galaxies for which the scatter increases to $sim0.1(1+z)$. Although the overall photometric redshift accuracy for quiescent galaxies is better than for star-forming galaxies, scatter depends more strongly on magnitude and redshift than on galaxy type. We verify these trends using the redshift distributions of close pairs and extend the analysis to fainter objects, where photometric redshift errors further increase to $sim0.046(1+z)$ at $H_{F160W}=26$. We demonstrate that photometric redshift accuracy is strongly filter-dependent and quantify the contribution of multiple filter combinations. We evaluate the widths of redshift probability distribution functions and find that error estimates are underestimated by a factor of $sim1.1-1.6$, but that uniformly broadening the distribution does not adequately account for fitting outliers. Finally, we suggest possible applications of these data in planning for current and future surveys and simulate photometric redshift performance in the LSST, DES, and combined DES and VHS surveys.
3D-HST is a 248-orbit Treasury program to provide WFC3 and ACS grism spectroscopy over four extra-galactic fields (AEGIS, COSMOS, GOODS-South, and UDS), augmented with previously obtained data in GOODS-North. We present a new data release of the 3D-HST survey, version v3.0. This release follows the initial v0.5 release that accompanied the survey description paper (Brammer et al. 2012). The new v3.0 release includes the deepest near-IR HST grism spectra currently in existence, extracted from the 8-17 orbit depth observations in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field. Contamination-corrected 2D and 1D spectra, as well as derived redshifts, are made available for >250 objects in this 2x2field. The spectra are of extraordinary quality, and show emission features in many galaxies as faint as F140W=26-27, absorption features in quiescent galaxies at z~2, and several active galactic nuclei. In addition to these extremely deep grism data we provide reduced WFC3 F125W, F140W, and F160W image mosaics of all five 3D-HST/CANDELS fields.
We present accurate photometric redshifts for galaxies observed by the Cluster Lensing and Supernova survey with Hubble (CLASH). CLASH observed 25 massive galaxy cluster cores with the Hubble Space Telescope in 16 filters spanning 0.2 - 1.7 $mu$m. Photometry in such crowded fields is challenging. Compared to our previously released catalogs, we make several improvements to the photometry, including smaller apertures, ICL subtraction, PSF matching, and empirically measured uncertainties. We further improve the Bayesian Photometric Redshift (BPZ) estimates by adding a redder elliptical template and by inflating the photometric uncertainties of the brightest galaxies. The resulting photometric redshift accuracies are dz/(1+z) $sim$ 0.8%, 1.0%, and 2.0% for galaxies with I-band F814W AB magnitudes $<$ 18, 20, and 23, respectively. These results are consistent with our expectations. They improve on our previously reported accuracies by a factor of 4 at the bright end and a factor of 2 at the faint end. Our new catalog includes 1257 spectroscopic redshifts, including 382 confirmed cluster members. We also provide stellar mass estimates. Finally, we include lensing magnification estimates of background galaxies based on our public lens models. Our new catalog of all 25 CLASH clusters is available via MAST. The analysis techniques developed here will be useful in other surveys of crowded fields, including the Frontier Fields and surveys carried out with J-PAS and JWST.
We present reduced data and data products from the 3D-HST survey, a 248-orbit HST Treasury program. The survey obtained WFC3 G141 grism spectroscopy in four of the five CANDELS fields: AEGIS, COSMOS, GOODS-S, and UDS, along with WFC3 $H_{140}$ imaging, parallel ACS G800L spectroscopy, and parallel $I_{814}$ imaging. In a previous paper (Skelton et al. 2014) we presented photometric catalogs in these four fields and in GOODS-N, the fifth CANDELS field. Here we describe and present the WFC3 G141 spectroscopic data, again augmented with data from GO-1600 in GOODS-N. The data analysis is complicated by the fact that no slits are used: all objects in the WFC3 field are dispersed, and many spectra overlap. We developed software to automatically and optimally extract interlaced 2D and 1D spectra for all objects in the Skelton et al. (2014) photometric catalogs. The 2D spectra and the multi-band photometry were fit simultaneously to determine redshifts and emission line strengths, taking the morphology of the galaxies explicitly into account. The resulting catalog has 98,663 measured redshifts and line strengths down to $JH_{IR}leq 26$ and 22,548 with $JH_{IR}leq 24$, where we comfortably detect continuum emission. Of this sample 5,459 galaxies are at $z>1.5$ and 9,621 are at $0.7<z<1.5$, where H$alpha$ falls in the G141 wavelength coverage. Based on comparisons with ground-based spectroscopic redshifts, and on analyses of paired galaxies and repeat observations, the typical redshift error for $JH_{IR}leq 24$ galaxies in our catalog is $sigma_z approx 0.003 times (1+z)$, i.e., one native WFC3 pixel. The $3sigma$ limit for emission line fluxes of point sources is $1.5times10^{-17}$ ergs s$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$. We show various representations of the full dataset, as well as individual examples that highlight the range of spectra that we find in the survey.
444 - S. Jouvel , O. Host , O. Lahav 2013
The Cluster Lensing And Supernovae survey with Hubble (CLASH) is an Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Multi-Cycle Treasury program observing 25 massive galaxy clusters. CLASH observations are carried out in 16 bands from UV to NIR to derive accurate and reliable estimates of photometric redshifts. We present the CLASH photometric redshifts and study the photometric redshift accuracy of the arcs in more detail for the case of MACS1206.2-0847. We use the publicly available Le Phare and BPZ photometric redshift codes on 17 CLASH galaxy clusters. Using Le Phare code for objects with StoN>=10, we reach a precision of 3%(1+z) for the strong lensing arcs, which is reduced to 2.4%(1+z) after removing outliers. For galaxies in the cluster field the corresponding values are 4%(1+z) and 3%(1+z). Using mock galaxy catalogues, we show that 3%(1+z) precision is what one would expect from the CLASH photometry when taking into account extinction from dust, emission lines and the finite range of SEDs included in the photo-z template library. We study photo-z results for different aperture photometry and find that the SExtractor isophotal photometry works best. Le Phare and BPZ give similar photo-z results for the strong lensing arcs as well as galaxies of the cluster field. Results are improved when optimizing the photometric aperture shape showing an optimal aperture size around 1 radius giving results which are equivalent to isophotal photometry. Tailored photometry of the arcs improve the photo-z results.
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