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Unveiling Potential Failure Propagation Scenarios in Core Transport Networks

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 Added by Marcos Manzano Mr.
 Publication date 2014
and research's language is English

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The contemporary society has become more dependent on telecommunication networks. Novel services and technologies supported by such networks, such as cloud computing or e-Health, hold a vital role in modern day living. Large-scale failures are prone to occur, thus being a constant threat to business organizations and individuals. To the best of our knowledge, there are no publicly available reports regarding failure propagation in core transport networks. Furthermore, Software Defined Networking (SDN) is becoming more prevalent in our society and we can envision more SDN-controlled Backbone Transport Networks (BTNs) in the future. For this reason, we investigate the main motivations that could lead to epidemic-like failures in BTNs and SDNTNs. To do so, we enlist the expertise of several research groups with significant background in epidemics, network resiliency, and security. In addition, we consider the experiences of three network providers. Our results illustrate that Dynamic Transport Networks (DTNs) are prone to epidemic-like failures. Moreover, we propose different situations in which a failure can propagate in SDNTNs. We believe that the key findings will aid network engineers and the scientific community to predict this type of disastrous failure scenario and plan adequate survivability strategies.

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Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) is an emerging paradigm that provides computing, storage, and networking resources within the edge of the mobile Radio Access Network (RAN). MEC servers are deployed on generic computing platform within the RAN and allow for delay-sensitive and context-aware applications to be executed in close proximity to the end users. This approach alleviates the backhaul and core network and is crucial for enabling low-latency, high-bandwidth, and agile mobile services. This article envisages a real-time, context-aware collaboration framework that lies at the edge of the RAN, constituted of MEC servers and mobile devices, and that amalgamates the heterogeneous resources at the edge. Specifically, we introduce and study three strong use cases ranging from mobile-edge orchestration, collaborative caching and processing and multi-layer interference cancellation. We demonstrate the promising benefits of these approaches in facilitating the evolution to 5G networks. Finally, we discuss the key technical challenges and open-research issues that need to be addressed in order to make an efficient integration of MEC into 5G ecosystem.
In the last decade, many semantic-based routing protocols had been designed for peer-to-peer systems. However, they are not suitable for IoT systems, mainly due to their high demands in memory and computing power which are not available in many IoT devices. In this paper, we develop a semantic-based routing protocol for dynamic IoT systems to facilitate dynamic IoT capability discovery and composition. Our protocol is a fully decentralized routing protocol. To reduce the space requirement for routing, each node maintains a summarized routing table. We design an ontology-based summarization algorithm to smartly group similar capabilities in the routing tables and support adaptive routing table compression. We also design an ontology coding scheme to code keywords used in the routing tables and query messages. To complete the summarization scheme, we consider the metrics for choosing the summarization candidates in an overflowing routing table. Some of these metrics are novel and are difficult to measure, such as coverage and stability. Our solutions significantly reduce the routing table size, ensuring that the routing table size can be bounded by the available memory of the IoT devices, while supporting efficient IoT capability lookup. Experimental results show that our approach can yield significantly lower network traffic and memory requirement for IoT capability lookup when compared with existing semantic-based routing algorithms including a centralized solution, a DHT-based approach, a controlled flooding scheme, and a cache-based solution.
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Topology Control (TC) aims at tuning the topology of highly dynamic networks to provide better control over network resources and to increase the efficiency of communication. Recently, many TC protocols have been proposed. The protocols are designed for preserving connectivity, minimizing energy consumption, maximizing the overall network coverage or network capacity. Each TC protocol makes different assumptions about the network topology, environment detection resources, and control capacities. This circumstance makes it extremely difficult to comprehend the role and purpose of each protocol. To tackle this situation, a taxonomy for TC protocols is presented throughout this paper. Additionally, some TC protocols are classified based upon this taxonomy.
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