The Bound-State Beta Decay of the Neutron Revisited

Abstract in English

This paper is addressed to the analysis of the set of observables of the bound-state beta-decay, which can be used for the experimental investigation of contributions of i) interactions beyond the Standard Model (SM) and of ii) the left-handed polarisation state of antineutrinos. For this aim we calculate the branching ratio, probabilities and angular distributions of probabilities of hydrogen in the hyperfine states and of the proton-electron pair in different spinorial states, induced by left-handed and right-handed hadronic and leptonic currents. The branching ratio of the bound-state beta-decay is calculated by taking into account radiative corrections. We show that the probabilities of the bound-state beta-decay can be good observables for experimental investigations of contributions of interactions beyond the SM, whereas the angular distributions of probabilities are good observables for experimental searches of contributions of the left-handed polarisation state of antineutrinos.
