Analysis of a low-energy correction to the eikonal approximation

Abstract in English

Extensions of the eikonal approximation to low energy (20MeV/nucleon typically) are studied. The relation between the dynamical eikonal approximation (DEA) and the continuum-discretized coupled-channels method with the eikonal approximation (E-CDCC) is discussed. When Coulomb interaction is artificially turned off, DEA and E-CDCC are shown to give the same breakup cross section, within 3% error, of $^{15}$C on $^{208}$Pb at 20MeV/nucleon. When the Coulomb interaction is included, the difference is appreciable and none of these models agrees with full CDCC calculations. An empirical correction significantly reduces this difference. In addition, E-CDCC has a convergence problem. By including a quantum-mechanical correction to E-CDCC for lower partial waves between $^{15}$C and $^{208}$Pb, this problem is resolved and the result perfectly reproduces full CDCC calculations at a lower computational cost.
