Soft x-ray photoemission study of new BiS$_{2}$-layered superconductor LaO$_{1-x}$F$_{x}$BiS$_{2}$

Abstract in English

We use core level and valence band soft x-ray photoemission spectroscopy (SXPES) to investigate electronic structure of new BiS$_{2}$ layered superconductor LaO$_{1-x}$F$_{x}$BiS$_{2}$. Core level spectra of doped samples show a new spectral feature at the lower binding energy side of the Bi 4${f}$ main peak, which may be explained by core-hole screening with metallic states near the Fermi level ($E_{rm F}$). Experimental electronic structure and its ${x}$ dependence (higher binding energy shift of the valence band as well as appearance of new states near $E_{rm F}$ having dominant Bi 6${p}$ character) were found to be consistent with the predictions of band structure calculations in general. Noticeable deviation of the spectral shape of the states near $E_{rm F}$ from that of calculations might give insight into the interesting physical properties. These results provide first experimental electronic structure of the new BiS$_{2}$ layered superconductors.
