Galois equivariance and stable motivic homotopy theory

Abstract in English

For a finite Galois extension of fields L/k with Galois group G, we study a functor from the G-equivariant stable homotopy category to the stable motivic homotopy category over k induced by the classical Galois correspondence. We show that after completing at a prime and eta (the motivic Hopf map) this results in a full and faithful embedding whenever k is real closed and L = k[i]. It is a full and faithful embedding after eta-completion if a motivic version of Serres finiteness theorem is valid. We produce strong necessary conditions on the field extension L/k for this functor to be full and faithful. Along the way, we produce several results on the stable C_2-equivariant Betti realization functor and prove convergence theorems for the p-primary C_2-equivariant Adams spectral sequence.
