Raman scattering study of InAs nanowire under high pressure

Abstract in English

The pressure dependent phonon modes of predominant wurtzite InAs nanowires has been investigated in a diamond anvil cell under hydrostatic pressure up to 58 GPa. The TO and LO at Gamma point and other optical phonon frequencies increase linearly while the LO TO splitting decreases with pressure. The recorded Raman modes have been used to determine the mode Gruneisen parameters and also the value of Borns transverse effective charge. The calculated Borns transverse effective charge exhibits a linear reduction with increasing pressure implying an increase in covalency of nanowires under compression. The intensity of the Raman modes shows a strong enhancement as the energy of E1 band gap approaches the excitation energy, which has been discussed in terms of resonant Raman scattering. An indication of structural phase transformation has been observed above pressure 10.87 GPa. We propose this transformation may be from wurtzite to rock salt phase although further experimental and theoretical confirmations are needed.
