Quasiparticle generation efficiency in superconducting thin-films

Abstract in English

Thin-film superconductors with thickness 30 to 500 nm are used as non-equilibrium quantum detectors for photons, phonons or more exotic particles. One of the most basic questions in determining their limiting sensitivity is the efficiency with which the quanta of interest couple to the detected quasiparticles. As low temperature superconducting resonators, thin-films are attractive candidates for producing quantum-sensitive arrayable sensors and the readout uses an additional microwave probe. We have calculated the quasiparticle generation efficiency eta_s for low energy photons in a representative, clean thin-film superconductor (Al) operating well-below its superconductingtransition temperature as a function of film thickness, within the framework of the coupled kineticequations described by Chang and Scalapino.[J. J. Chang and D. J. Scalapino, J. Low Temp. Phys. 31, 1 (1978)]. We have also included the effect of a lower frequency probe. We show that phonon loss from the thin-film reduces eta_s by as much as 40% compared to earlier models that considered relatively thick films or infinite volumes. We also show that the presence of the probe and signal enhances the generation efficiency slightly. We conclude that the ultimate limiting noise equivalent power of this class of detector is determined by the thin-film geometry.
