Measurements of Stellar Inclinations for Kepler Planet Candidates II: Candidate Spin-Orbit Misalignments in Single and Multiple-Transiting Systems

Abstract in English

We present a test for spin-orbit alignment for the host stars of 25 candidate planetary systems detected by the {it Kepler} spacecraft. The inclination angle of each stars rotation axis was estimated from its rotation period, rotational line broadening, and radius. The rotation periods were determined using the {it Kepler} photometric time series. The rotational line broadening was determined from high-resolution optical spectra with Subaru/HDS. Those same spectra were used to determine the stars photospheric parameters (effective temperature, surface gravity, metallicity) which were then interpreted with stellar-evolutionary models to determine stellar radii. We combine the new sample with the 7 stars from our previous work on this subject, finding that the stars show a statistical tendency to have inclinations near 90$^circ$, in alignment with the planetary orbits. Possible spin-orbit misalignments are seen in several systems, including three multiple-planet systems (KOI-304, 988, 2261). Ideally these systems should be scrutinized with complementary techniques---such as the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect, starspot-crossing anomalies or asteroseismology---but the measurements will be difficult owing to the relatively faint apparent magnitudes and small transit signals in these systems.
