Extinction of solutions to a class of fast diffusion systems with nonlinear sources

Abstract in English

In this paper, the finite time extinction of solutions to the fast diffusion system $u_t=mathrm{div}(| abla u|^{p-2} abla u)+v^m$, $v_t=mathrm{div}(| abla v|^{q-2} abla v)+u^n$ is investigated, where $1<p,q<2$, $m,n>0$ and $Omegasubset mathbb{R}^N (Ngeq1)$ is a bounded smooth domain. After establishing the local existence of weak solutions, the authors show that if $mn>(p-1)(q-1)$, then any solution vanishes in finite time provided that the initial data are ``comparable; if $mn=(p-1)(q-1)$ and $Omega$ is suitably small, then the existence of extinction solutions for small initial data is proved by using the De Giorgi iteration process and comparison method. On the other hand, for $1<p=q<2$ and $mn<(p-1)^2$, the existence of at least one non-extinction solution for any positive smooth initial data is proved.
