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Energy Loss of High-Energy Particles in Particle-in-Cell Simulation

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 Added by Tsunehiko Kato
 Publication date 2013
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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When a charged particle moves through a plasma at a speed much higher than the thermal velocity of the plasma, it is subjected to the force of the electrostatic field induced in the plasma by itself and loses its energy. This process is well-known as the stopping power of a plasma. In this paper we show that the same process works in particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations as well and the energy loss rate of fast particles due to this process is mainly determined by the number of plasma electrons contained in the electron skin depth volume. However, since there are generally very few particles in that volume in PIC simulations compared with real plasmas, the energy loss effect can be exaggerated significantly and can affect the results. Therefore, especially for the simulations that investigate the particle acceleration processes, the number of particles used in the simulations should be chosen large enough to avoid this artificial energy loss.

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We construct Boris-type schemes for integrating the motion of charged particles in particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation. The new solvers virtually combine the 2-step Boris procedure arbitrary n times in the Lorentz-force part, and therefore we call them the multiple Boris solvers. Using Chebyshev polynomials, a one-step form of the new solvers is provided. The new solvers give n^2 times smaller errors, allow larger timesteps, and have a long-term stability. We present numerical tests of the new solvers, in comparison with other particle integrators.
A simple form of the Boris solver in particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation is proposed. It employs an exact solution of the Lorentz-force part, and it is equivalent to the Boris solver with a gyrophase correction. As a favorable property for stable schemes, this form preserves a volume in the phase space. Numerical tests of the Boris solvers are conducted by test-particle simulations and by PIC simulations. The proposed form provides better accuracy than the popular form, while it only requires few additional computation time.
In the wake of the intense effort made for the experimental CILEX project, numerical simulation cam- paigns have been carried out in order to finalize the design of the facility and to identify optimal laser and plasma parameters. These simulations bring, of course, important insight into the fundamental physics at play. As a by-product, they also characterize the quality of our theoretical and numerical models. In this paper, we compare the results given by different codes and point out algorithmic lim- itations both in terms of physical accuracy and computational performances. These limitations are illu- strated in the context of electron laser wakefield acceleration (LWFA). The main limitation we identify in state-of-the-art Particle-In-Cell (PIC) codes is computational load imbalance. We propose an innovative algorithm to deal with this specific issue as well as milestones towards a modern, accurate high-per- formance PIC code for high energy particle acceleration.
Based on the previously developed Energy Conserving Semi Implicit Method (ECsim) code, we present its cylindrical implementation, called ECsim-CYL, to be used for axially symmetric problems. The main motivation for the development of the cylindrical version is to greatly improve the computational speed by utilizing cylindrical symmetry. The ECsim-CYL discretizes the field equations in two-dimensional cylindrical coordinates using the finite volume method . For the particle mover, it uses a modification of ECsims mover for cylindrical coordinates by keeping track of all three components of velocity vectors, while only keeping radial and axial coordinates of particle positions. In this paper, we describe the details of the algorithm used in the ECsim-CYL and present a series of tests to validate the accuracy of the code including a wave spectrum in a homogeneous plasmas inside a cylindrical waveguide and free expansion of a spherical plasma ball in vacuum. The ECsim-CYL retains the stability properties of ECsim and conserves the energy within machine precision, while accurately describing the plasma behavior in the test cases.
This work presents novel discrete event-based simulation algorithms based on the Quantized State System (QSS) numerical methods. QSS provides attractive features for particle transportation processes, in particular a very efficient handling of discontinuities in the simulation of continuous systems. We focus on High Energy Physics (HEP) particle tracking applications that typically rely on discrete time-based methods, and study the advantages of adopting a discrete event-based numerical approach that resolves efficiently the crossing of geometry boundaries by a traveling particle. For this purpose we follow two complementary strategies. First, a new co-simulation technique connects the Geant4 simulation toolkit with a standalone QSS solver. Second, a new native QSS numerical stepper is embedded into Geant4. We compare both approaches against the latest Geant4 default steppers in different HEP setups, including a complex real scenario (the CMS particle detector at CERN). Our techniques achieve relevant simulation speedups in a wide range of scenarios, particularly when the intensity of discrete-event handling dominates performance in the solving of the continuous laws of particle motion.
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