Using correlations between CMB lensing and large-scale structure to measure primordial non-Gaussianity

Abstract in English

We apply a new method to measure primordial non-Gaussianity, using the cross-correlation between galaxy surveys and the CMB lensing signal to measure galaxy bias on very large scales, where local-type primordial non-Gaussianity predicts a $k^2$ divergence. We use the CMB lensing map recently published by the Planck collaboration, and measure its external correlations with a suite of six galaxy catalogues spanning a broad redshift range. We then consistently combine correlation functions to extend the recent analysis by Giannantonio et al. (2013), where the density-density and the density-CMB temperature correlations were used. Due to the intrinsic noise of the Planck lensing map, which affects the largest scales most severely, we find that the constraints on the galaxy bias are similar to the constraints from density-CMB temperature correlations. Including lensing constraints only improves the previous statistical measurement errors marginally, and we obtain $ f_{mathrm{NL}} = 12 pm 21 $ (1$sigma$) from the combined data set. However, the lensing measurements serve as an excellent test of systematic errors: we now have three methods to measure the large-scale, scale-dependent bias from a galaxy survey: auto-correlation, and cross-correlation with both CMB temperature and lensing. As the publicly available Planck lensing maps have had their largest-scale modes at multipoles $l<10$ removed, which are the most sensitive to the scale-dependent bias, we consider mock CMB lensing data covering all multipoles. We find that, while the effect of $f_{mathrm{NL}}$ indeed increases significantly on the largest scales, so do the contributions of both cosmic variance and the intrinsic lensing noise, so that the improvement is small.
