Type Ia Supernovae from Merging White Dwarfs II) Post-Merger Detonations

Abstract in English

Merging carbon-oxygen (CO) white dwarfs are a promising progenitor system for Type Ia supernovae (SN Ia), but the underlying physics and timing of the detonation are still debated. If an explosion occurs after the secondary star is fully disrupted, the exploding primary will expand into a dense CO medium that may still have a disk-like structure. This interaction will decelerate and distort the ejecta. Here we carry out multi-dimensional simulations of ``tamped SN Ia models, using both particle and grid-based codes to study the merger and explosion dynamics, and a radiative transfer code to calculate synthetic spectra and light curves. We find that post-merger explosions exhibit an hourglass-shaped asymmetry, leading to strong variations in the light curves with viewing angle. The two most important factors affecting the outcome are the scale-height of the disk, which depends sensitively on the binary mass ratio, and the total ${}^{56}$Ni yield, which is governed by the central density of the remnant core. The synthetic broadband light curves rise and decline very slowly, and the spectra generally look peculiar, with weak features from intermediate mass elements but relatively strong carbon absorption. We also consider the effects of the viscous evolution of the remnant, and show that a longer time delay between merger and explosion probably leads to larger ${}^{56}$Ni yields and more symmetrical remnants. We discuss the relevance of this class of aspherical ``tamped SN Ia for explaining the class of ``super-Chandrasekhar SN Ia.
