We present continuum extrapolated lattice results for the higher order fluctuations of conserved charges in high temperature Quantum Chromodynamics. Through the matching of the grand canonical ensemble on the lattice to the net charge and net baryon distribution realized in heavy ion experiments the temperature and the chemical potential may be estimated at the time of chemical freeze-out
Precision tests of QCD perturbation theory are not readily available from experimental data. The main reasons are systematic uncertainties due to the confinement of quarks and gluons, as well as kinematical constraints which limit the accessible energy scales. We here show how continuum extrapolated lattice data may overcome such problems and provide excellent probes of renormalized perturbation theory. This work corresponds to an essential step in the ALPHA collaborations project to determine the $Lambda$-parameter in 3-flavour QCD. I explain the basic techniques used in the high energy regime, namely the use of mass-independent renormalization schemes for the QCD coupling constant in a finite Euclidean space time volume. When combined with finite size techniques this allows one to iteratively step up the energy scale by factors of 2, thereby quickly covering two orders of magnitude in scale. We may then compare perturbation theory (with $beta$-functions available up to 3-loop order) to our non-perturbative data for a 1-parameter family of running couplings. We conclude that a target precision of 3 percent for the $Lambda$-parameter requires non-perturbative data up to scales where $alpha_sapprox 0.1$, whereas the apparent precision obtained from applying perturbation theory around $alpha_s approx 0.2$ can be misleading. This should be taken as a general warning to practitioners of QCD perturbation theory.
Monte Carlo simulations of the 4d O(4) model in the broken phase are performed to determine the parameters of a resonance. The standard method for extracting them on the lattice is through Luschers formula; recently a new method, based on the probability distribution concept, has been proposed. We study the application of these methods and compare them with Monte Carlo data.
Ratios of cumulants of net proton-number fluctuations measured by the STAR Collaboration show strong deviations from a skellam distribution, which should describe thermal properties of cumulant ratios, if proton-number fluctuations are generated in equilibrium and a hadron resonance gas (HRG) model would provide a suitable description of thermodynamics at the freeze-out temperature. We present some results on sixth order cumulants entering the calculation of the QCD equation of state at non-zero values of the baryon chemical potential (mu_B) and discuss limitations on the applicability of HRG thermodynamics deduced from a comparison between QCD and HRG model calculations of cumulants of conserved charge fluctuations. We show that basic features of the $mu_B$-dependence of skewness and kurtosis ratios of net proton-number fluctuations measured by the STAR Collaboration resemble those expected from a O(mu_B^2) QCD calculation of the corresponding net baryon-number cumulant ratios.
In this work, we strive to gain insight into thermal modifications of charmonium and bottomonium bound states as well as the heavy quark diffusion coefficient. The desired information is contained in the spectral function which can not be calculated on the lattice directly. Instead, the correlator given by an integration over the spectral function times an integration kernel is obtained. Extracting the spectral function is an ill-posed inversion problem and various different solutions have been proposed. We focus on a comparison to a spectral function obtained from combining perturbative and pNRQCD calculations. In order to get precise results, continuum extrapolated correlators originating from large and fine lattices are used. We first analyze the pseudoscalar channel since the absence of a transport peak simplifies the analysis. The knowledge gained from this is then used to extend the analysis to the vector channel, where information on heavy quark transport is encoded in the low frequency regime of the spectral function. The comparison shows a qualitatively good agreement between perturbative and lattice correlators. Quantitative differences can be explained by systematic uncertainties.
QCD thermodynamics is considered using Wilson fermions in the fixed scale approach. The temperature dependence of the renormalized chiral condensate, quark number susceptibility and Polyakov loop is measured at four lattice spacings allowing for a controlled continuum limit. The light quark masses are fixed to heavier than physical values in this first study. Finite volume effects are ensured to be negligible by using approriately large box sizes. The final continuum results are compared with staggered fermion simulations performed in the fixed N_t approach. The same continuum renormalization conditions are used in both approaches and the final results agree perfectly.