Factorized Three-body S-Matrix Restrained by Yang-Baxter Equation and Quantum Entanglements

Abstract in English

This paper investigates the physical effects of Yang-Baxter equation (YBE) to quantum entanglements through the 3-body S-matrix in entangling parameter space. The explicit form of 3-body S-matrix $breve{R}_{123}(theta,varphi)$ based on the 2-body S-matrices is given due to the factorization condition of YBE. The corresponding chain Hamiltonian has been obtained and diagonalized, also the Berry phase for 3-body system is given. It turns out that by choosing different spectral parameters the $breve{R}(theta,varphi)$-matrix gives GHZ and W state respectively. The extended 1-D Kitaev toy model has been derived. Examples of the role of the model in entanglement transfer are discussed.
