On the Topology of the Inflaton Field in Minimal Supergravity Models

Abstract in English

We consider global issues in minimal supergravity models where a single field inflaton potential emerges. In a particular case we reproduce the Starobinsky model and its description dual to a certain formulation of R+R^2 supergravity. For definiteness we confine our analysis to spaces at constant curvature, either vanishing or negative. Five distinct models arise, two flat models with respectively a quadratic and a quartic potential and three based on the SU(1,1)/U(1) space where its distinct isometries, elliptic, hyperbolic and parabolic are gauged. Fayet-Iliopoulos terms are introduced in a geometric way and they turn out to be a crucial ingredient in order to describe the de Sitter inflationary phase of the Starobinsky model.
