Magnetic properties of single crystalline CeMg$_{12}$

Abstract in English

Single crystal of CeMg$_{12}$ is obtained by Bridgman method. CeMg$_{12}$ crystallizes in the tetragonal structure with space group $I4/mmm$ (#139). The Laue pattern confirms the tetragonal crystal structure of CeMg$_{12}$. We have studied the magnetic properties by measuring magnetic susceptibility, magnetization, heat capacity and electrical transport. Specific heat measurement shows that the compound orders at 1.2 K. We have measured the magnetic susceptibility in the temperature range 1.8 to 300 K, and the susceptibility data show that [100] crystallographic direction is the easy axis of magnetization. At high temperature inverse susceptibility varies linearly with temperature, and follows the Curie-Weiss behaviour. The effective moment is close to the free ion value thus indicating Ce is in trivalent state in this compound.
