Multiple spiral patterns in the transitional disk of HD 100546

Abstract in English

Protoplanetary disks around young stars harbor many structures related to planetary formation. Of particular interest, spiral patterns were discovered among several of these disks and are expected to be the sign of gravitational instabilities leading to giant planets formation or gravitational perturbations caused by already existing planets. In this context, the star HD100546 presents some specific characteristics with a complex gas and dusty disk including spirals as well as a possible planet in formation. The objective of this study is to analyze high contrast and high angular resolution images of this emblematic system to shed light on critical steps of the planet formation. We retrieved archival images obtained at Gemini in the near IR (Ks band) with the instrument NICI and processed the data using advanced high contrast imaging technique taking advantage of the angular differential imaging. These new images reveal the spiral pattern previously identified with HST with an unprecedented resolution, while the large-scale structure of the disk is mostly erased by the data processing. The single pattern at the southeast in HST images is now resolved into a multi-armed spiral pattern. Using two models of a gravitational perturber orbiting in a gaseous disk we attempted to bring constraints on the characteristics of this perturber assuming each spiral being independent and we derived qualitative conclusions. The non-detection of the northeast spiral pattern observed in HST allows to put a lower limit on the intensity ratio between the two sides of the disk, which if interpreted as forward scattering yields a larger anisotropic scattering than derived in the visible. Also, we found that the spirals are likely spatially resolved with a thickness of about 5-10AU. Finally, we did not detect the candidate forming planet recently discovered in the Lp band, with a mass upper limit of 16-18 MJ.
