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SOSTOOLS Version 3.00 Sum of Squares Optimization Toolbox for MATLAB

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 Added by James Anderson
 Publication date 2013
and research's language is English

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SOSTOOLS v3.00 is the latest release of the freely available MATLAB toolbox for formulating and solving sum of squares (SOS) optimization problems. Such problems arise naturally in the analysis and control of nonlinear dynamical systems, but also in other areas such as combinatorial optimization. Highlights of the new release include the ability to create polynomial matrices and formulate polynomial matrix inequalities, compatibility with MuPAD, the new MATLAB symbolic engine, as well as the multipoly toolbox v2.01. SOSTOOLS v3.00 can interface with five semidefinite programming solvers, and includes ten demonstration examples.

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We introduce a new framework for unifying and systematizing the performance analysis of first-order black-box optimization algorithms for unconstrained convex minimization. The low-cost iteration complexity enjoyed by first-order algorithms renders them particularly relevant for applications in machine learning and large-scale data analysis. Relying on sum-of-squares (SOS) optimization, we introduce a hierarchy of semidefinite programs that give increasingly better convergence bounds for higher levels of the hierarchy. Alluding to the power of the SOS hierarchy, we show that the (dual of the) first level corresponds to the Performance Estimation Problem (PEP) introduced by Drori and Teboulle [Math. Program., 145(1):451--482, 2014], a powerful framework for determining convergence rates of first-order optimization algorithms. Consequently, many results obtained within the PEP framework can be reinterpreted as degree-1 SOS proofs, and thus, the SOS framework provides a promising new approach for certifying improved rates of convergence by means of higher-order SOS certificates. To determine analytical rate bounds, in this work we use the first level of the SOS hierarchy and derive new result{s} for noisy gradient descent with inexact line search methods (Armijo, Wolfe, and Goldstein).
Semidefinite programs (SDPs) are standard convex problems that are frequently found in control and optimization applications. Interior-point methods can solve SDPs in polynomial time up to arbitrary accuracy, but scale poorly as the size of matrix variables and the number of constraints increases. To improve scalability, SDPs can be approximated with lower and upper bounds through the use of structured subsets (e.g., diagonally-dominant and scaled-diagonally dominant matrices). Meanwhile, any underlying sparsity or symmetry structure may be leveraged to form an equivalent SDP with smaller positive semidefinite constraints. In this paper, we present a notion of decomposed structured subsets}to approximate an SDP with structured subsets after an equivalent conversion. The lower/upper bounds found by approximation after conversion become tighter than the bounds obtained by approximating the original SDP directly. We apply decomposed structured subsets to semidefinite and sum-of-squares optimization problems with examples of H-infinity norm estimation and constrained polynomial optimization. An existing basis pursuit method is adapted into this framework to iteratively refine bounds.
State Space Models (SSM) is a MATLAB 7.0 software toolbox for doing time series analysis by state space methods. The software features fully interactive construction and combination of models, with support for univariate and multivariate models, complex time-varying (dynamic) models, non-Gaussian models, and various standard models such as ARIMA and structural time-series models. The software includes standard functions for Kalman filtering and smoothing, simulation smoothing, likelihood evaluation, parameter estimation, signal extraction and forecasting, with incorporation of exact initialization for filters and smoothers, and support for missing observations and multiple time series input with common analysis structure. The software also includes implementations of TRAMO model selection and Hillmer-Tiao decomposition for ARIMA models. The software will provide a general toolbox for doing time series analysis on the MATLAB platform, allowing users to take advantage of its readily available graph plotting and general matrix computation capabilities.
Semidefinite and sum-of-squares (SOS) optimization are fundamental computational tools in many areas, including linear and nonlinear systems theory. However, the scale of problems that can be addressed reliably and efficiently is still limited. In this paper, we introduce a new notion of emph{block factor-width-two matrices} and build a new hierarchy of inner and outer approximations of the cone of positive semidefinite (PSD) matrices. This notion is a block extension of the standard factor-width-two matrices, and allows for an improved inner-approximation of the PSD cone. In the context of SOS optimization, this leads to a block extension of the emph{scaled diagonally dominant sum-of-squares (SDSOS)} polynomials. By varying a matrix partition, the notion of block factor-width-two matrices can balance a trade-off between the computation scalability and solution quality for solving semidefinite and SOS optimization. Numerical experiments on large-scale instances confirm our theoretical findings.
Algorithm NCL is designed for general smooth optimization problems where first and second derivatives are available, including problems whose constraints may not be linearly independent at a solution (i.e., do not satisfy the LICQ). It is equivalent to the LANCELOT augmented Lagrangian method, reformulated as a short sequence of nonlinearly constrained subproblems that can be solved efficiently by IPOPT and KNITRO, with warm starts on each subproblem. We give numerical results from a Julia implementation of Algorithm NCL on tax policy models that do not satisfy the LICQ, and on nonlinear least-squares problems and general problems from the CUTEst test set.
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