The symmetrization problem for multiple orthogonal polynomials

Abstract in English

We analyze the effect of symmetrization in the theory of multiple orthogonal polynomials. For a symmetric sequence of type II multiple orthogonal polynomials satisfying a high-term recurrence relation, we fully characterize the Weyl function associated to the corresponding block Jacobi matrix as well as the Stieltjes matrix function. Next, from an arbitrary sequence of type II multiple orthogonal polynomials with respect to a set of d linear functionals, we obtain a total of d+1 sequences of type II multiple orthogonal polynomials, which can be used to construct a new sequence of symmetric type II multiple orthogonal polynomials. Finally, we prove a Favard-type result for certain sequences of matrix multiple orthogonal polynomials satisfying a matrix four-term recurrence relation with matrix coefficients.
