Stability of the CMSSM against sfermion VEVs

Abstract in English

The recent discovery of a Higgs boson by the LHC experiments has profound implications for supersymmetric models. In particular, in the context of restricted models, such as the supergravity-inspired constrained minimal supersymmetric standard model, one finds that preferred regions in parameter space have large soft supersymmetry-breaking trilinear couplings. This potentially gives rise to charge- and/or color-breaking minima besides those with the correct breaking of $SU(2)_L times U(1)_Y$. We investigate the stability of parameter points in this model against tunneling to possible deeper color- and/or charge-breaking minima of the one-loop effective potential. We find that allowed regions of the parameter space with light staus or with light stops are seriously constrained by the requirement that the tunneling time out of the normal electroweak-symmetry-breaking vacuum is more than a fifth of the age of the known Universe. We also find that thumb rule conditions on Lagrangian parameters based on specific directions in the tree-level potential are of limited use.
