Hyperfine Paschen-Back regime in alkali metal atoms: consistency of two theoretical considerations and experiment

Abstract in English

Simple and efficient lambda-method and lambda/2-method (lambda is the resonant wavelength of laser radiation) based on nanometric-thickness cell filled with rubidium are implemented to study the splitting of hyperfine transitions of 85Rb and 87Rb D_1 line in an external magnetic field in the range of B = 0.5 - 0.7 T. It is experimentally demonstrated from 20 (12) Zeeman transitions allowed at low B-field in 85Rb (87Rb) spectra in the case of sigma+ polarized laser radiation, only 6 (4) remain at B > 0.5 T, caused by decoupling of the total electronic momentum J and the nuclear spin momentum I (hyperfine Paschen-Back regime). The expressions derived in the frame of completely uncoupled basis (J, m_J ; I, m_I) describe very well the experimental results for 85Rb transitions at $B > 0.6 T (that is a manifestation of hyperfine Paschen-Back regime). A remarkable result is that the calculations based on the eigenstates of coupled (F, m_F) basis, which adequately describe the system for low magnetic field, also predict reduction of number of transition components from 20 to 6 for 85Rb, and from 12 to 4 for 87Rb spectrum at B > 0.5 T. Also, the Zeeman transitions frequency shift, frequency interval between the components and their slope versus $B$ are in agreement with the experiment.
