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Exclusive event generator for $e^+e^-$ scan experiments

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 Added by RongGang Ping
 Publication date 2013
and research's language is English

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An exclusive event generator is designed for the $e^+e^-$ scan experiments with the initial state radiation effects up to the second order correction included. There are seventy hadronic decay modes available with the effective center-of-mass energy coverage from the two pion mass threshold up to about 6 GeV. The achieved accuracy of initial state radiation correction reaches the level the generator KKMC achieved. The uncertainty associated with the calculation of correction factor to the initial state radiation is dominated by the measurements of the energy-dependence Born cross section. The generator is coded within the framework of BesEvtGen.

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The $B_c$ meson is a doubly heavy quark-antiquark bound state and carries flavors explicitly, which provides a fruitful laboratory for testing potential models and understanding the weak decay mechanisms for heavy flavors. In view of the prospects in $B_c$ physics at the hadronic colliders as Tevatron and LHC, $B_c$ physics is attracting more and more attention. It has been shown that a high luminosity $e^+e^-$ collider running around the $Z^0$-peak is also helpful for studying the properties of $B_c$ meson and has its own advantages. For the purpose, we write down an event generator for simulating $B_c$ meson production through $e^+e^-$ annihilation according to relevant publications. We name it as BEEC, in which the color-singlet $S$-wave and $P$-wave $(cbar{b})$-quarkonium states together with the color-octet $S$-wave $(cbar{b})$-quarkonium states can be generated. BEEC can also be adopted to generate the similar charmonium and bottomnium states via the semi-exclusive channels $e^{+}+e^{-}rightarrow |(Qbar{Q})[n]rangle +Q +bar{Q}$ with $Q=b$ and $c$ respectively. To increase the simulation efficiency, we simplify the amplitude as compact as possible by using the improved trace technology. BEEC is a Fortran programme written in a PYTHIA-compatible format and is written in a modularization structure, one may apply it to various situations or experimental environments conveniently by using the GNU C compiler {bf make}. A method to improve the efficiency of generating unweighted events within PYTHIA environment has been suggested. Moreover, BEEC will generate a standard Les Houches Event data file that contains useful information of the meson and its accompanying partons, which can be conveniently imported into PYTHIA to do further hadronization and decay simulation.
The Monte Carlo program {tt WWGENPV}, designed for computing distributions and generating events for four-fermion production in $e^+ e^- $ collisions, is described. The new version, 2.0, includes the full set of the electroweak (EW) tree-level matrix elements for double- and single-$W$ production, initial- and final-state photonic radiation including $p_T / p_L$ effects in the Structure Function formalism, all the relevant non-QED corrections (Coulomb correction, naive QCD, leading EW corrections). An hadronisation interface to {tt JETSET} is also provided. The program can be used in a three-fold way: as a Monte Carlo integrator for weighted events, providing predictions for several observables relevant for $W$ physics; as an adaptive integrator, giving predictions for cross sections, energy and invariant mass losses with high numerical precision; as an event generator for unweighted events, both at partonic and hadronic level. In all the branches, the code can provide accurate and fast results.
The Fragmentation Functions is one of the non-perturbative components of the QCD factorization theorem. They represents the probability of a parton carrying a fraction z of momentum to form into a particular kind of hadron. In this work, we study the jet fragmentation functions in the collisions between electrons and positrons. The jets where identified with Fastjet for different p_{Tch jet} intervals. The intervals and the final jets were reconstructed by means of the event shape T separation using spherocity variable, the study is performed under Pythia Monte Carlo event generator framework.
147 - Sadaharu Uehara 2013
A description and the use of an event-generator code for two-photon processes at e+e- colliders, TREPS, are presented. This program uses an equivalent photon approximation in which the virtuality of photons is taken into account. It is applicable to various processes by specifying a combination of final-state particles and the angular distributions among them. A comparison of the results with those from other programs is also given.
286 - L. Ferroni 2011
We perform a systematic analysis of exclusive hadronic channels in e+e- collisions at centre-of-mass energies between 2.1 and 2.6 GeV within the statistical hadronization model. Because of the low multiplicities involved, calculations have been carried out in the full microcanonical ensemble, including conservation of energy-momentum, angular momentum, parity, isospin, and all relevant charges. We show that the data is in an overall good agreement with the model for an energy density of about 0.5 GeV/fm^3 and an extra strangeness suppression parameter gamma_S ~ 0.7, essentially the same values found with fits to inclusive multiplicities at higher energy.
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