Feedback-enhanced parametric squeezing of mechanical motion

Abstract in English

We present a single-quadrature feedback scheme able to overcome the conventional 3 dB limit on parametric squeezing. The method is experimentally demonstrated in a micromechanical system based on a cantilever with a magnetic tip. The cantilever is detected at low temperature by a SQUID susceptometer, while parametric pumping is obtained by modulating the magnetic field gradient at twice the cantilever frequency. A maximum squeezing of 11.5 dB and 11.3 dB is observed, respectively in the response to a sinusoidal test signal and in the thermomechanical noise. The maximum squeezing factor is limited only by the maximum achievable parametric modulation. The proposed technique can be used to squeeze one quadrature of a mechanical resonator below the quantum noise level, even without the need for a quantum limited detector.
