We consider a minimal nonlinearly realized electroweak theory where mass generation happens `a la Stueckelberg. Deformation of the nonlinearly realized gauge symmetry is controlled by functional methods. The Weak Power Counting allows to select uniquely the Hopf algebra of the theory and gives definite predictions on the Beyond-the-Standard Model (BSM) sector of the theory: the latter includes one CP-odd and two charged physical scalars (in addition to the Higgs-like CP-even resonance). The model interpolates between a purely Stueckelberg and a Higgs scenario. It can be used in order to check whether the presence of a Stueckelberg mass component can already be excluded on the basis of the existing LHC7-8 data.
A consistent strategy for the subtraction of the divergences in the nonlinearly realized Electroweak Model in the loop expansion is presented. No Higgs field enters into the perturbative spectrum. The local functional equation (LFE), encoding the invariance of the SU(2) Haar measure under local left SU(2) transformations, the Slavnov-Taylor identity, required in order to fulfill physical unitarity, and the Landau gauge equation hold in the nonlinearly realized theory. The quantization is performed in the Landau gauge for the sake of simplicity and elegance. The constraints on the admissible interactions arising from the Weak Power-Counting (WPC) are discussed. The same symmetric pattern of the couplings as in the Standard Model is shown to arise, as a consequence of the defining functional identities and the WPC. However, two independent mass invariants in the vector meson sector are possible, i.e. no tree-level Weinberg relation holds between the Z and W mass. Majorana neutrino masses can be implemented in the nonlinearly realized Electroweak Model in a way compatible with the WPC and all the symmetries of the theory.
We study vacuum structure of N=1 supersymmetric quiver gauge theories which can be realized geometrically by D brane probes wrapping cycles of local Calabi-Yau three-folds. In particular, we show that the A_2 quiver theory with gauge group U(N_1) times U(N_2) with N_1 / 2 < N_2 < 2N_1 / 3 has a regime with an infrared free description that is partially magnetic and partially electric. Using this dual description, we show that the model has a landscape of inequivalent meta-stable vacua where supersymmetry is dynamically broken and all the moduli are stabilized. Each vacuum has distinct unbroken gauge symmetry. B-terms generated by the supersymmetry breaking give rise to gaugino masses at one-loop, and we are left with the bosonic pure Yang-Mills theory in the infrared. We also identify the supersymmetric vacua in this model using their infrared free descriptions and show that the decay rates of the supersymmetry breaking vacua into the supersymmetric vacua can be made parametrically small.
In this paper we evaluate the self-energy of the vector mesons at one loop in our recently proposed subtraction scheme for massive nonlinearly realized SU(2) Yang-Mills theory. We check the fulfillment of physical unitarity. The resulting self-mass can be compared with the value obtained in the massive Yang-Mills theory based on the Higgs mechanism, consisting in extra terms due to the presence of the Higgs boson (tadpoles included). Moreover we evaluate all the one-loop counterterms necessary for the next order calculations. By construction they satisfy all the equations of the model (Slavnov-Taylor, local functional equation and Landau gauge equation). They are sufficient to make all the one-loop amplitudes finite through the hierarchy encoded in the local functional equation.
We provide a comprehensive and pedagogical introduction to the MadAnalysis 5 framework, with a particular focus on its usage for reinterpretation studies. To this end, we first review the main features of the normal mode of the program and how a detector simulation can be handled. We then detail, step-by-step, how to implement and validate an existing LHC analysis in the MadAnalysis 5 framework and how to use this reimplementation, possibly together with other recast codes available from the MadAnalysis 5 Public Analysis Database, for reinterpreting ATLAS and CMS searches in the context of a new model. Each of these points is illustrated by concrete examples. Moreover, complete reference cards for the normal and expert modes of MadAnalysis 5 are provided in two technical appendices.
This talk offers a brief review of the determination of coupling constants in the framework of dimensionally reduced effective field theories for thermal QCD, specializing on its gluonic sector. Interestingly, higher-order operators that go beyond the usual super-renormalizable truncation of the effective theory need to be considered when matching parameters at three loops.