A lattice QCD study of generalized gluelumps

Abstract in English

Proposals for physics beyond the standard model often include new colored particles at or beyond the scale of electroweak symmetry breaking. Any new particle with a sufficient lifetime will bind with standard model gluons and quarks to form a spectrum of new hadrons. Here we focus on colored particles in the octet, decuplet, 27-plet, 28-plet and 35-plet representations of SU(3) color because these can form hadrons without valence quarks. In every case, lattice creation operators are constructed for all angular momentum, parity and charge conjugation quantum numbers. Computations with fully-dynamical lattice QCD configurations produce numerical results for mass splittings within this new hadron spectrum. A previous quenched lattice study explored the octet case for certain quantum number choices, and our findings provide a reassessment of those early results.
