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Numerics and Fractals

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 Added by Markus Hegland
 Publication date 2013
and research's language is English

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Local iterated function systems are an important generalisation of the standard (global) iterated function systems (IFSs). For a particular class of mappings, their fixed points are the graphs of local fractal functions and these functions themselves are known to be the fixed points of an associated Read-Bajactarevic operator. This paper establishes existence and properties of local fractal functions and discusses how they are computed. In particular, it is shown that piecewise polynomials are a special case of local fractal functions. Finally, we develop a method to compute the components of a local IFS from data or (partial differential) equations.

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100 - Michael Baake 2019
Primitive inflation tilings of the real line with finitely many tiles of natural length and a Pisot--Vijayaraghavan unit as inflation factor are considered. We present an approach to the pure point part of their diffraction spectrum on the basis of a Fourier matrix cocycle in internal space. This cocycle leads to a transfer matrix equation and thus to a closed expression of matrix Riesz product type for the Fourier transforms of the windows for the covering model sets. In general, these windows are complicated Rauzy fractals and thus difficult to handle. Equivalently, this approach permits a construction of the (always continuously representable) eigenfunctions for the translation dynamical system induced by the inflation rule. We review and further develop the underlying theory, and illustrate it with the family of Pisa substitutions, with special emphasis on the Tribonacci case.
In this paper we investigate the existence of closed billiard trajectories in not necessarily smooth convex bodies. In particular, we show that if a body $Ksubset mathbb{R}^d$ has the property that the tangent cone of every non-smooth point $qin partial K$ is acute (in a certain sense) then there is a closed billiard trajectory in $K$.
The use of mathematical models in the sciences often involves the estimation of unknown parameter values from data. Sloppiness provides information about the uncertainty of this task. In this paper, we develop a precise mathematical foundation for sloppiness and define rigorously its key concepts, such as `model manifold, in relation to concepts of structural identifiability. We redefine sloppiness conceptually as a comparison between the premetric on parameter space induced by measurement noise and a reference metric. This opens up the possibility of alternative quantification of sloppiness, beyond the standard use of the Fisher Information Matrix, which assumes that parameter space is equipped with the usual Euclidean metric and the measurement error is infinitesimal. Applications include parametric statistical models, explicit time dependent models, and ordinary differential equation models.
154 - Dan Mazur , Jeremy S. Heyl 2014
We give an overview of the worldline numerics technique, and discuss the parallel CUDA implementation of a worldline numerics algorithm. In the worldline numerics technique, we wish to generate an ensemble of representative closed-loop particle trajectories, and use these to compute an approximate average value for Wilson loops. We show how this can be done with a specific emphasis on cylindrically symmetric magnetic fields. The fine-grained, massive parallelism provided by the GPU architecture results in considerable speedup in computing Wilson loop averages. Furthermore, we give a brief overview of uncertainty analysis in the worldline numerics method. There are uncertainties from discretizing each loop, and from using a statistical ensemble of representative loops. The former can be minimized so that the latter dominates. However, determining the statistical uncertainties is complicated by two subtleties. Firstly, the distributions generated by the worldline ensembles are highly non-Gaussian, and so the standard error in the mean is not a good measure of the statistical uncertainty. Secondly, because the same ensemble of worldlines is used to compute the Wilson loops at different values of $T$ and $x_mathrm{ cm}$, the uncertainties associated with each computed value of the integrand are strongly correlated. We recommend a form of jackknife analysis which deals with both of these problems.
254 - Wenbo Li , Abner J. Salgado 2021
We develop the theory of fractional gradient flows: an evolution aimed at the minimization of a convex, l.s.c.~energy, with memory effects. This memory is characterized by the fact that the negative of the (sub)gradient of the energy equals the so-called Caputo derivative of the state. We introduce the notion of energy solutions, for which we provide existence, uniqueness and certain regularizing effects. We also consider Lipschitz perturbations of this energy. For these problems we provide an a posteriori error estimate and show its reliability. This estimate depends only on the problem data, and imposes no constraints between consecutive time-steps. On the basis of this estimate we provide an a priori error analysis that makes no assumptions on the smoothness of the solution.
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