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Probability distributions with binomial moments

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 Added by Katarzyna Gorska
 Publication date 2013
and research's language is English

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We prove that if $pgeq 1$ and $-1leq rleq p-1$ then the binomial sequence $binom{np+r}{n}$, $n=0,1,...$, is positive definite and is the moment sequence of a probability measure $ u(p,r)$, whose support is contained in $left[0,p^p(p-1)^{1-p}right]$. If $p>1$ is a rational number and $-1<rleq p-1$ then $ u(p,r)$ is absolutely continuous and its density function $V_{p,r}$ can be expressed in terms of the Meijer $G$-function. In particular cases $V_{p,r}$ is an elementary function. We show that for $p>1$ the measures $ u(p,-1)$ and $ u(p,0)$ are certain free convolution powers of the Bernoulli distribution. Finally we prove that the binomial sequence $binom{np+r}{n}$ is positive definite if and only if either $pgeq 1$, $-1leq rleq p-1$ or $pleq 0$, $p-1leq r leq 0$. The measures corresponding to the latter case are reflections of the former ones.

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312 - Xinjia Chen 2019
In this paper, we develop a general theory of truncated inverse binomial sampling. In this theory, the fixed-size sampling and inverse binomial sampling are accommodated as special cases. In particular, the classical Chernoff-Hoeffding bound is an immediate consequence of the theory. Moreover, we propose a rigorous and efficient method for probability estimation, which is an adaptive Monte Carlo estimation method based on truncated inverse binomial sampling. Our proposed method of probability estimation can be orders of magnitude more efficient as compared to existing methods in literature and widely used software.
We study the probability measure $mu_{0}$ for which the moment sequence is $binom{3n}{n}frac{1}{n+1}$. We prove that $mu_{0}$ is absolutely continuous, find the density function and prove that $mu_{0}$ is infinitely divisible with respect to the additive free convolution.
We establish an isomorphism between the center of the Heisenberg category defined by Khovanov and the algebra $Lambda^*$ of shifted symmetric functions defined by Okounkov-Olshanski. We give a graphical description of the shifted power and Schur bases of $Lambda^*$ as elements of the center, and describe the curl generators of the center in the language of shifted symmetric functions. This latter description makes use of the transition and co-transition measures of Kerov and the noncommutative probability spaces of Biane.
In this paper we review some general properties of probability distributions which exibit a singular behavior. After introducing the matter with several examples based on various models of statistical mechanics, we discuss, with the help of such paradigms, the underlying mathematical mechanism producing the singularity and other topics such as the condensation of fluctuations, the relationships with ordinary phase-transitions, the giant response associated to anomalous fluctuations, and the interplay with Fluctuation Relations.
197 - Elizabeth Meckes 2011
Many authors have studied the phenomenon of typically Gaussian marginals of high-dimensional random vectors; e.g., for a probability measure on $R^d$, under mild conditions, most one-dimensional marginals are approximately Gaussian if $d$ is large. In earlier work, the author used entropy techniques and Steins method to show that this phenomenon persists in the bounded-Lipschitz distance for $k$-dimensional marginals of $d$-dimensional distributions, if $k=o(sqrt{log(d)})$. In this paper, a somewhat different approach is used to show that the phenomenon persists if $k<frac{2log(d)}{log(log(d))}$, and that this estimate is best possible.
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