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Shot Noise in Lithographically Patterned Graphene Nanoribbons

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 Added by Zhenbing Tan
 Publication date 2013
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We have investigated shot noise and conductance of multi-terminal graphene nanoribbon devices at temperatures down to 50 mK. Away from the charge neutrality point, we find a Fano factor $F approx 0.4$, nearly independent of the charge density. Our shot noise results are consistent with theoretical models for disordered graphene ribbons with a dimensionless scattering strength $K_0 approx 10$ corresponding to rather strong disorder. Close to charge neutrality, an increase in $F$ up to $sim 0.7$ is found, which indicates the presence of a dominant Coulomb gap possibly due to a single quantum dot in the transport gap.

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We report measurements of current noise in single- and multi-layer graphene devices. In four single-layer devices, including a p-n junction, the Fano factor remains constant to within +/-10% upon varying carrier type and density, and averages between 0.35 and 0.38. The Fano factor in a multi-layer device is found to decrease from a maximal value of 0.33 at the charge-neutrality point to 0.25 at high carrier density. These results are compared to theoretical predictions for shot noise in ballistic and disordered graphene.
When subjected to electromagnetic radiation, the fluctuation of the electronic current across a quantum conductor increases. This additional noise, called photon-assisted shot noise, arises from the generation and subsequent partition of electron-hole pairs in the conductor. The physics of photon-assisted shot noise has been thoroughly investigated at microwave frequencies up to 20 GHz, and its robustness suggests that it could be extended to the Terahertz (THz) range. Here, we present measurements of the quantum shot noise generated in a graphene nanoribbon subjected to a THz radiation. Our results show signatures of photon-assisted shot noise, further demonstrating that hallmark time-dependant quantum transport phenomena can be transposed to the THz range.
Transport properties of graphene - superconductor junction has been studied extensively to understand the interplay of the relativistic Dirac quasiparticles and superconductivity. Though shot noise measurements in graphene has been performed to realize many theoretical predictions, both at zero magnetic field as well as quantum Hall (QH) regime, its junction with superconductor remain unexplored. Here, we have carried out the shot noise measurements in an edge contacted bilayer graphene - Niobium superconductor junction at zero magnetic field as well as QH regime. At the Dirac point we have observed a Fano factor ~ 1/3 above the superconducting gap and a transition to an enhanced Fano factor ~ 0.5 below the superconducting gap. By changing the carrier density we have found a continuous reduction of Fano factor for both types of carriers, however the enhancement of Fano factor within the superconducting gap by a factor of ~ 1.5 is always preserved. The enhancement of shot noise is also observed in the QH regime, where the current is carried by the edge state, below the critical magnetic field and within the superconducting gap. These observations clearly demonstrate the enhanced charge transport at the graphene-superconductor interface.
We report the experimental observation of conductance quantization in graphene nanoribbons, where 1D transport subbands are formed due to the lateral quantum confinement. We show that this quantization in graphene nanoribbons can be observed at temperatures as high as 80 K and channel lengths as long as 1.7 $mu$m. The observed quantization is in agreement with that predicted by theoretical calculations.
We study Andreev reflection in graphene nanoribbon/superconductor hybrid junctions. By using a tight-binding approach and the scattering formalism we show that finite-size effects lead to notable differences with respect to the bulk graphene case. At subgap voltages, conservation of pseudoparity, a quantum number characterizing the ribbon states, yields either a suppression of Andreev reflection when the ribbon has an even number of sites in the transverse direction or perfect Andreev reflection when the ribbon has an odd number of sites. In the former case the suppression of Andreev reflection induces an insulating behavior even when the junction is biased; electron conduction can however be restored by applying a gate voltage.
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