Mass spectra in N=1 SQCD with additional colorless but flavored fields.II

Abstract in English

This paper continues our previous study of similar theories in cite{ch5}. We also consider here the ${cal N}=1$ SQCD-like theories with $SU(N_c)$ colors (and their Seibergs dual with $SU(N_F-N_c)$ dual colors) and $N_F$ flavors of light quarks, and with $N_F^2$ additional colorless flavored fields $Phi^j_i$, but now with $N_F$ in the range $2N_c<N_F<3N_c$. The multiplicities of various vacua and quark and gluino condensates in these vacua are found. The mass spectra of the direct and Seibergs dual theories in various vacua are calculated within the dynamical scenario which assumes that quarks in such ${cal N}=1$ SQCD-like theories can be in two {it standard} phases only. These are either the HQ (heavy quark) phase where they are confined or the Higgs phase. The word {it standard} implies here also that, in such ${cal N}=1$ theories without elementary colored adjoint scalars, no {it additional} parametrically light solitons (e.g. magnetic monopoles or dyons) are formed at those scales where quarks decouple as heavy or are higgsed. Recall that this scenario satisfies all those tests which were used as checks of the Seiberg hypothesis about the equivalence of the direct and dual theories. The mass spectra of these direct and Seibergs dual theories calculated within this framework were found to be different, in general. These parametrical differences of mass spectra of direct and dual theories show, in particular, that all those tests, which were used as checks of the Seiberg hypothesis about the equivalence of the direct and dual theories, although necessary, may well be insufficient. Besides, the mass spectrum of the dual theory with $SU(N_F-N_c)$ colors and $N_c+1<N_F<3N_c/2$ dual quark flavors was calculated. And finally, considered is the direct ${cal N}=2$ SQCD with $SU(N_c)$ colors and $N_c+1<N_F<3N_c/2$ flavors of light quarks...
