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We provide a quantum method for simulating Hamiltonian evolution with complexity polynomial in the logarithm of the inverse error. This is an exponential improvement over existing methods for Hamiltonian simulation. In addition, its scaling with respect to time is close to linear, and its scaling with respect to the time derivative of the Hamiltonian is logarithmic. These scalings improve upon most existing methods. Our method is to use a compressed Lie-Trotter formula, based on recent ideas for efficient discrete-time simulations of continuous-time quantum query algorithms.
We provide a quantum algorithm for simulating the dynamics of sparse Hamiltonians with complexity sublogarithmic in the inverse error, an exponential improvement over previous methods. Specifically, we show that a $d$-sparse Hamiltonian $H$ acting on $n$ qubits can be simulated for time $t$ with precision $epsilon$ using $Obig(tau frac{log(tau/epsilon)}{loglog(tau/epsilon)}big)$ queries and $Obig(tau frac{log^2(tau/epsilon)}{loglog(tau/epsilon)}nbig)$ additional 2-qubit gates, where $tau = d^2 |{H}|_{max} t$. Unlike previous approaches based on product formulas, the query complexity is independent of the number of qubits acted on, and for time-varying Hamiltonians, the gate complexity is logarithmic in the norm of the derivative of the Hamiltonian. Our algorithm is based on a significantly improved simulation of the continuous- and fractional-query models using discrete quantum queries, showing that the former models are not much more powerful than the discrete model even for very small error. We also simplify the analysis of this conversion, avoiding the need for a complex fault correction procedure. Our simplification relies on a new form of oblivious amplitude amplification that can be applied even though the reflection about the input state is unavailable. Finally, we prove new lower bounds showing that our algorithms are optimal as a function of the error.
Practical implementations of quantum technologies require preparation of states with a high degree of purity---or, in thermodynamic terms, very low temperatures. Given finite resources, the Third Law of thermodynamics prohibits perfect cooling; nonetheless, attainable upper bounds for the asymptotic ground state population of a system repeatedly interacting with quantum thermal machines have been derived. These bounds apply within a memoryless (Markovian) setting, in which each refrigeration step proceeds independently of those previous. Here, we expand this framework to study the effects of memory on quantum cooling. By introducing a memory mechanism through a generalized collision model that permits a Markovian embedding, we derive achievable bounds that provide an exponential advantage over the memoryless case. For qubits, our bound coincides with that of heat-bath algorithmic cooling, which our framework generalizes to arbitrary dimensions. We lastly describe the adaptive step-wise optimal protocol that outperforms all standard procedures.
Quantum computing can efficiently simulate Hamiltonian dynamics of many-body quantum physics, a task that is generally intractable with classical computers. The hardness lies at the ubiquitous anti-commutative relations of quantum operators, in corresponding with the notorious negative sign problem in classical simulation. Intuitively, Hamiltonians with more commutative terms are also easier to simulate on a quantum computer, and anti-commutative relations generally cause more errors, such as in the product formula method. Here, we theoretically explore the role of anti-commutative relation in Hamiltonian simulation. We find that, contrary to our intuition, anti-commutative relations could also reduce the hardness of Hamiltonian simulation. Specifically, Hamiltonians with mutually anti-commutative terms are easy to simulate, as what happens with ones consisting of mutually commutative terms. Such a property is further utilized to reduce the algorithmic error or the gate complexity in the truncated Taylor series quantum algorithm for general problems. Moreover, we propose two modified linear combinations of unitaries methods tailored for Hamiltonians with different degrees of anti-commutation. We numerically verify that the proposed methods exploiting anti-commutative relations could significantly improve the simulation accuracy of electronic Hamiltonians. Our work sheds light on the roles of commutative and anti-commutative relations in simulating quantum systems.
We study how parallelism can speed up quantum simulation. A parallel quantum algorithm is proposed for simulating the dynamics of a large class of Hamiltonians with good sparse structures, called uniform-structured Hamiltonians, including various Hamiltonians of practical interest like local Hamiltonians and Pauli sums. Given the oracle access to the target sparse Hamiltonian, in both query and gate complexity, the running time of our parallel quantum simulation algorithm measured by the quantum circuit depth has a doubly (poly-)logarithmic dependence $operatorname{polylog}log(1/epsilon)$ on the simulation precision $epsilon$. This presents an exponential improvement over the dependence $operatorname{polylog}(1/epsilon)$ of previous optimal sparse Hamiltonian simulation algorithm without parallelism. To obtain this result, we introduce a novel notion of parallel quantum walk, based on Childs quantum walk. The target evolution unitary is approximated by a truncated Taylor series, which is obtained by combining these quantum walks in a parallel way. A lower bound $Omega(log log (1/epsilon))$ is established, showing that the $epsilon$-dependence of the gate depth achieved in this work cannot be significantly improved. Our algorithm is applied to simulating three physical models: the Heisenberg model, the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model and a quantum chemistry model in second quantization. By explicitly calculating the gate complexity for implementing the oracles, we show that on all these models, the total gate depth of our algorithm has a $operatorname{polylog}log(1/epsilon)$ dependence in the parallel setting.
Product formula approximations of the time-evolution operator on quantum computers are of great interest due to their simplicity, and good scaling with system size by exploiting commutativity between Hamiltonian terms. However, product formulas exhibit poor scaling with the time $t$ and error $epsilon$ of simulation as the gate cost of a single step scales exponentially with the order $m$ of accuracy. We introduce well-conditioned multiproduct formulas, which are a linear combination of product formulas, where a single step has polynomial cost $mathcal{O}(m^2log{(m)})$ and succeeds with probability $Omega(1/operatorname{log}^2{(m)})$. Our multiproduct formulas imply a simple and generic simulation algorithm that simultaneously exploits commutativity in arbitrary systems and has a worst-case cost $mathcal{O}(tlog^{2}{(t/epsilon)})$ which is optimal up to poly-logarithmic factors. In contrast, prior Trotter and post-Trotter Hamiltonian simulation algorithms realize only one of these two desirable features. A key technical result of independent interest is our solution to a conditioning problem in previous multiproduct formulas that amplified numerical errors by $e^{Omega(m)}$ in the classical setting, and led to a vanishing success probability $e^{-Omega(m)}$ in the quantum setting.