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Copper coated carbon fiber reinforced plastics for high and ultra high vacuum applications

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 Publication date 2013
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We have used copper-coated carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CuCFRP) for the construction of high and ultra-high vacuum recipients. The vacuum performance is found to be comparable to typical stainless steel used for this purpose. In test recipients we have reached pressures of 2E-8 mbar and measured a desorption rate of 1E-11 mbar*liter/s/cm^2; no degradation over time (2 years) has been found. Suitability for baking has been found to depend on the CFRP production process, presumably on the temperature of the autoclave curing. Together with other unique properties of CuCFRP such as low weight and being nearly non-magnetic, this makes it an ideal material for many high-end vacuum applications.

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Laser beam profilometry is an important scientific task with well-established solutions for beams propagating in air. It has, however, remained an open challenge to measure beam profiles of high-power lasers in ultra-high vacuum and in tightly confined spaces. Here we present a novel scheme that uses a single multi-mode fiber to scatter light and guide it to a detector. The method competes well with commercial systems in position resolution, can reach through apertures smaller than $500times 500$~$mu$m$^2$ and is compatible with ultra-high vacuum conditions. The scheme is simple, compact, reliable and can withstand laser intensities beyond 2~MW/cm$^2$.
We describe the design, construction, and performance of an ultra-high vacuum (UHV) scanning tunneling microscope (STM) capable of imaging at dilution-refrigerator temperatures and equipped with a vector magnet. The primary objective of our design is to achieve a high level of modularity by partitioning the STM system into a set of easily separable, interchangeable components. This naturally segregates the UHV needs of STM instrumentation from the typically non-UHV construction of a dilution refrigerator, facilitating the usage of non-UHV materials while maintaining a fully bakeable UHV chamber that houses the STM. The modular design also permits speedy removal of the microscope head from the rest of the system, allowing for repairs, modifications, and even replacement of the entire microscope head to be made at any time without warming the cryostat or compromising the vacuum. Without using cryogenic filters, we measured an electron temperature of 184 mK on a superconducting Al(100) single crystal.
We report the design of a radio-frequency induction-heated rod casting furnace that permits the preparation of polycrystalline ingots of intermetallic compounds under ultra-high vacuum compatible conditions. The central part of the system is a bespoke water-cooled Hukin crucible supporting a casting mold. Depending on the choice of mold, typical rods have a diameter between 6 mm and 10 mm and a length up to 90 mm, suitable for single-crystal growth by means of float-zoning. The setup is all-metal sealed and may be baked out. We find that the resulting ultra-high vacuum represents an important precondition for processing compounds with high vapor pressures under a high-purity argon atmosphere up to 3 bar. Using the rod casting furnace, we succeeded to prepare large high-quality single crystals of two half-Heusler compounds, namely the itinerant antiferromagnet CuMnSb and the half-metallic ferromagnet NiMnSb.
We report a homebuilt ultra-high-vacuum (UHV) rotating sample manipulator with cryogenic cooling. The sample holder is thermally anchored to a built-in cryogenic cold head through flexible copper beryllium strips, permitting continuous sample rotation. A similar contact mechanism is implemented for the electrical wiring to the sample holder for thermometry. The apparatus thus enables continuous sample rotation at regulated cryogenic temperatures in a UHV environment. We discuss the potential applications of this apparatus for cryogenic sputtering.
Gas electron multipliers (GEMs) have been overcoated with a high resistivity 10e14 - 10e15 Ohms / square amorphous carbon layer. The coating avoids charging up of the holes and provides a constant gain immediately after switching on independent of the rate. The gain uniformity across the GEM is improved. Coating opens the possibility to produce thick GEMs of very high gain.
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