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Analysis of Molecular Hydrogen Absorption toward QSO B0642-5038 for a Varying Proton-to-Electron Mass Ratio

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 Added by Julija Bagdonaite
 Publication date 2013
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Rovibronic molecular hydrogen (H$_2$) transitions at redshift $z_{rm abs} simeq 2.659$ towards the background quasar B0642$-$5038 are examined for a possible cosmological variation in the proton-to-electron mass ratio, $mu$. We utilise an archival spectrum from the Very Large Telescope/Ultraviolet and Visual Echelle Spectrograph with a signal-to-noise ratio of $sim$35 per 2.5-km$,$s$^{-1}$ pixel at the observed H$_2$ wavelengths (335--410 nm). Some 111 H$_2$ transitions in the Lyman and Werner bands have been identified in the damped Lyman $alpha$ system for which a kinetic gas temperature of $sim$84 K and a molecular fraction $log f = -2.18pm0.08$ is determined. The H$_2$ absorption lines are included in a comprehensive fitting method, which allows us to extract a constraint on a variation of the proton-electron mass ratio, $Deltamu/mu$, from all transitions at once. We obtain $Deltamu/mu = (17.1 pm 4.5_{rm stat} pm3.7_{rm sys})times10^{-6}$. However, we find evidence that this measurement has been affected by wavelength miscalibration errors recently identified in UVES. A correction based on observations of objects with solar-like spectra gives a smaller $Deltamu/mu$ value and contributes to a larger systematic uncertainty: $Deltamu/mu = (12.7 pm 4.5_{rm stat} pm4.2_{rm sys})times10^{-6}$.

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68 - M. Dapr`a 2015
Molecular hydrogen transitions in the sub-damped Lyman alpha absorber at redshift z = 2.69, toward the background quasar SDSS J123714.60+064759.5, were analyzed in order to search for a possible variation of the proton-to-electron mass ratio mu over a cosmological time-scale. The system is composed of three absorbing clouds where 137 H2 and HD absorption features were detected. The observations were taken with the Very Large Telescope/Ultraviolet and Visual Echelle Spectrograph with a signal-to-noise ratio of 32 per 2.5 km/s pixel, covering the wavelengths from 356.6 to 409.5 nm. A comprehensive fitting method was used to fit all the absorption features at once. Systematic effects of distortions to the wavelength calibrations were analyzed in detail from measurements of asteroid and `solar twin spectra, and were corrected for. The final constraint on the relative variation in mu between the absorber and the current laboratory value is dmu/mu = (-5.4 pm 6.3 stat pm 4.0 syst) x 10^(-6), consistent with no variation over a look-back time of 11.4 Gyrs.
Molecules with deep vibrational potential wells provide optical intervals sensitive to variation in the proton-electron mass ratio ($mu$). On one hand, polar molecules are of interest since optical state preparation techniques have been demonstrated for such species. On the other hand, it might be assumed that polar species are unfavorable candidates, because typical molecule-frame dipole moments reduce vibrational state lifetimes and cause large polarizabilities and associated Stark shifts. Here, we consider single-photon spectroscopy on a vibrational overtone transition of the polar species TeH$^+$, which is of practical interest because its diagonal Franck-Condon factors should allow rapid state preparation by optical pumping. We point out that all but the ground rotational state obtains a vanishing low-frequency scalar polarizability from coupling with adjacent rotational states, because of a fortuitous relationship between rigid rotor spacings and dipole matrix elements. We project that for good choices of spectroscopy states, demonstrated levels of field control should make possible uncertainties of order $1 times 10^{-18}$, similar to those of leading atomic ion clocks. The moderately long lived vibrational states of TeH$^+$ make possible a frequency uncertainty approaching $1 times 10^{-17}$ with one day of averaging for a single trapped ion. Observation over one year could probe for variation of $mu$ with a sensitivity approaching the $1 times 10^{-18}/textrm{yr}$ level.
182 - Adrian L. Malec 2010
Molecular transitions recently discovered at redshift z_abs=2.059 toward the bright background quasar J2123-0050 are analysed to limit cosmological variation in the proton-to-electron mass ratio, mu=m_p/m_e. Observed with the Keck telescope, the optical spectrum has the highest resolving power and largest number (86) of H_2 transitions in such analyses so far. Also, (7) HD transitions are used for the first time to constrain mu-variation. These factors, and an analysis employing the fewest possible free parameters, strongly constrain mus relative deviation from the current laboratory value: dmu/mu =(+5.6+/-5.5_stat+/-2.7_sys)x10^{-6}. This is the first Keck result to complement recent constraints from three systems at z_abs>2.5 observed with the Very Large Telescope.
220 - J. Bagdonaite 2015
A molecular hydrogen absorber at a lookback time of 12.4 billion years, corresponding to 10$%$ of the age of the universe today, is analyzed to put a constraint on a varying proton--electron mass ratio, $mu$. A high resolution spectrum of the J1443$+$2724 quasar, which was observed with the Very Large Telescope, is used to create an accurate model of 89 Lyman and Werner band transitions whose relative frequencies are sensitive to $mu$, yielding a limit on the relative deviation from the current laboratory value of $Deltamu/mu=(-9.5pm5.4_{textrm{stat}} pm 5.3_{textrm{sys}})times 10^{-6}$.
Molecular hydrogen (H2) absorption features observed in the line-of-sight to Q2348-011 at redshift zabs = 2.426 are analysed for the purpose of detecting a possible variation of the proton-to-electron mass ratio mu=mp/me. By its structure Q2348-011 is the most complex analysed H2 absorption system at high redshift so far, featuring at least seven distinctly visible molecular velocity components. The multiple velocity components associated with each transition of H2 were modeled simultaneously by means of a comprehensive fitting method. The fiducial model resulted in dmu/mu = (-0.68 +/- 2.78) x 10^-5, showing no sign that mu in this particular absorber is different from its current laboratory value. Although not as tight a constraint as other absorbers have recently provided, this result is consistent with the results from all previously analysed H2-bearing sight-lines. Combining all such measurements yields a constraint of dmu/mu < 10^-5 for the redshift range z = (2--3).
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