We provide a novel solution for Resource Discovery (RD) in mobile device clouds consisting of selfish nodes. Mobile device clouds (MDCs) refer to cooperative arrangement of communication-capable devices formed with resource-sharing goal in mind. Our work is motivated by the observation that with ever-growing applications of MDCs, it is essential to quickly locate resources offered in such clouds, where the resources could be content, computing resources, or communication resources. The current approaches for RD can be categorized into two models: decentralized model, where RD is handled by each node individually; and centralized model, where RD is assisted by centralized entities like cellular network. However, we propose LORD, a Leader-based framewOrk for RD in MDCs which is not only self-organized and not prone to having a single point of failure like the centralized model, but also is able to balance the energy consumption among MDC participants better than the decentralized model. Moreover, we provide a credit-based incentive to motivate participation of selfish nodes in the leader selection process, and present the first energy-aware leader selection mechanism for credit-based models. The simulation results demonstrate that LORD balances energy consumption among nodes and prolongs overall network lifetime compared to decentralized model.