Dirac bound state solutions of spherically ring-shaped q-deformed Woods-Saxon potential for any L-state

Abstract in English

Approximate bound state solutions of the Dirac equation with -deformed Woods-Saxon plus a new generalized ring-shaped potential are obtained for any arbitrary L-state. The energy eigenvalue equation and corresponding two-component wave function are calculated by solving the radial and angular wave equations within a shortcut of the Nikiforov-Uvarov method. The solutions of the radial and polar angular parts of the wave function are expressed in terms of the Jacobi polynomials. A new approximation being expressed in terms of the potential parameters is carried out to deal with the strong singular centrifugal potential term L(L+1)/r^2. Under some limitations, we can obtain solution for the ring-shaped Hulthen potential and the standard usual spherical Woods-Saxon potential (q=1).
