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Comparison of electron-ion energy transfer in dense plasmas obtained from numerical simulations and quantum kinetic theory

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 Added by Jan Vorberger
 Publication date 2013
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We evaluate various analytical models for the electron-ion energy transfer and compare the results to data from molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The models tested includes energy transfer via strong binary collisions, Landau-Spitzer rates with different choices for the cut-off parameters in the Coulomb logarithm, rates based on Fermis golden rule (FGR) and theories taking coupled collective modes (CM) into account. In search of a model easy to apply, we first analyze different approximations of the FGR energy transfer rate. Then we investigate several numerical studies using MD simulations and try to uncover CM effects in the data obtained. Most MD data published so far show no distinct CM effects and, thus, can be interpreted within a FGR or binary collision approach. We show that this finding is related to the parameter regime, in particular the initial temperature difference, considered in these investigations.

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We present an approach to extend plasma transport theory into the Warm Dense Matter (WDM) regime characterized by moderate Coulomb coupling and electron degeneracy. It is based on a recently proposed closure of the BBGKY hierarchy that expands in terms of the departure of correlations from their equilibrium value, rather than in terms of the strength of correlations. This kinetic equation contains modifications to the collision term in addition to a second term that models the non-ideal contributions to the equation of state. An explicit collision operator is derived in the semiclassical limit that is similar to that of the Uehling-Uhlenbeck equation, but where scattering is mediated by the potential of mean force (PMF). As a demonstration, we use this collision integral to evaluate temperature and momentum relaxation rates in dense plasmas. We obtain degeneracy- and coupling-dependent Coulomb integrals that take the place of $lnLambda$ in the scattering rates. We additionally find a novel difference in the way in which degeneracy influences momentum relaxation in comparison to temperature relaxation. Finally, we evaluate electron-ion relaxation rates for the case of warm dense deuterium over a range of density and temperature spanning the classical to quantum and weak to strong coupling transitions. Results are compared with the Landau-Spitzer rate and rates obtained from the quantum Landau-Fokker-Planck equation and Lee-More model. We find that the models diverge significantly in the degenerate and moderately coupled regime and attribute this difference to how the various models treat the physics of Pauli blocking, correlations, large-angle scattering, and diffraction.
We present a model for electron-ion transport in Warm Dense Matter that incorporates Coulomb coupling effects into the quantum Boltzmann equation of Uehling and Uhlenbeck through the use of a statistical potential of mean force. Although this model has been derived rigorously in the classical limit [S.D. Baalrud and J. Daligault, Physics of Plasmas 26, 8, 082106 (2019)], its quantum generalization is complicated by the uncertainty principle. Here we apply an existing model for the potential of mean force based on the quantum Ornstein-Zernike equation coupled with an average-atom model [C. E. Starrett, High Energy Density Phys. 25, 8 (2017)]. This potential contains correlations due to both Coulomb coupling and exchange, and the collision kernel of the kinetic theory enforces Pauli blocking while allowing for electron diffraction and large-angle collisions. By solving the Uehling-Uhlenbeck equation for electron-ion relaxation rates, we predict the momentum and temperature relaxation time and electrical conductivity of solid density aluminum plasma based on electron-ion collisions. We present results for density and temperature conditions that span the transition from classical weakly-coupled plasma to degenerate moderately-coupled plasma. Our findings agree well with recent quantum molecular dynamics simulations.
Collisionless shocks are common features in space and astrophysical systems where supersonic plasma flows interact, such as in the solar wind, the heliopause, and supernova remnants. Recent experimental capabilities and diagnostics allow detailed laboratory investigations of high-Mach-number shocks, which therefore can become a valuable way to understand shock dynamics in various astrophysical environments. Using 2D particle-in-cell simulations with a Coulomb binary collision operator, we demonstrate the mechanism for generation of energetic electrons and experimental requirements for detecting this process in the laboratory high-Mach-number collisionless shocks. We show through a parameter study that electron acceleration by magnetized collisionless shocks is feasible in laboratory experiments with laser-driven expanding plasmas.
The low-frequency limit of Maxwell equations is considered in the Maxwell-Vlasov system. This limit produces a neutral Vlasov system that captures essential features of plasma dynamics, while neglecting radiation effects. Euler-Poincare reduction theory is used to show that the neutral Vlasov kinetic theory possesses a variational formulation in both Lagrangian and Eulerian coordinates. By construction, the model recovers all collisionless neutral models employed in plasma simulations. Then, comparisons between the neutral Vlasov system and hybrid kinetic-fluid models are presented in the linear regime.
Plasma turbulence is studied via direct numerical simulations in a two-dimensional spatial geometry. Using a hybrid Vlasov-Maxwell model, we investigate the possibility of a velocity-space cascade. A novel theory of space plasma turbulence has been recently proposed by Servidio {it et al.} [PRL, {bf 119}, 205101 (2017)], supported by a three-dimensional Hermite decomposition applied to spacecraft measurements, showing that velocity space fluctuations of the ion velocity distribution follow a broad-band, power-law Hermite spectrum $P(m)$, where $m$ is the Hermite index. We numerically explore these mechanisms in a more magnetized regime. We find that (1) the plasma reveals spectral anisotropy in velocity space, due to the presence of an external magnetic field (analogous to spatial anisotropy of fluid and plasma turbulence); (2) the distribution of energy follows the prediction $P(m)sim m^{-2}$, proposed in the above theoretical-observational work; and (3) the velocity-space activity is intermittent in space, being enhanced close to coherent structures such as the reconnecting current sheets produced by turbulence. These results may be relevant to the nonlinear dynamics weakly-collisional plasma in a wide variety of circumstances.
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