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The Case for a Muon Collider Higgs Factory

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 Added by Christopher T. Hill
 Publication date 2013
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We propose the construction of a compact Muon Collider Higgs Factory. Such a machine can produce up to sim 14,000 at 8times 10^{31} cm^-2 sec^-1 clean Higgs events per year, enabling the most precise possible measurement of the mass, width and Higgs-Yukawa coupling constants.

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Because muons connect directly to a standard-model Higgs particle in s-channel production, a muon collider would be an ideal device for precision measurement of the mass and width of a Higgs-like particle, and for further exploration of its production and decay properties. Parameters of a high-precision muon collider are presented and the necessary components and performance are described. An important advantage of the muon collider approach is that the spin precession of the muons will enable energy measurements at extremely high accuracy (dE/E to 10-6 or better). The collider could be a first step toward a high-luminosity multi-TeV lepton collider, and extensions toward a higher-energy higher-luminosity device are also discussed.
129 - Estia Eichten , Adam Martin 2013
We show that a muon collider is ideally suited for the study of heavy H/A scalars, cousins of the Higgs boson found in two-Higgs doublet models and required in supersymmetric models. The key aspects of H/A are: (1) they are narrow, yet have a width-to-mass ratio far larger than the expected muon collider beam-energy resolution, and (2) the larger muon Yukawa allows efficient s-channel production. We study in detail a representative Natural Supersymmetry model which has a 1.5 Tev H/A with $m_H$- $m_A$ = 10 Gev. The large event rates at resonant peak allow the determination of the individual H and A resonance parameters (including CP) and the decays into electroweakinos provides a wealth of information unavailable to any other present or planned collider.
In light of the recent discovery of an approximately 126 GeV Higgs boson at the LHC, the particle physics community is beginning to explore the possibilities for a next-generation Higgs factory particle accelerator. In this report we study the s-channel resonant Higgs boson production and Standard Model backgrounds at a proposed mu+mu- collider Higgs factory operating at center-of-mass energy sqrt(s) = M_H with a beam width of 4.2 MeV. We study PYTHIA-generated Standard Model Higgs and background events at the generator level to identify and evaluate important channels for discovery and measurement of the Higgs mass, width, and branching ratios. We find that the H^0 -> bb and H^0 -> WW^* channels are the most useful for locating the Higgs peak. With an integrated luminosity of 1 fb^-1 we can measure a 126 GeV Standard Model Higgs mass accurately to within 0.25 MeV and its total width to within 0.45 MeV. Our results demonstrate the value of the high Higgs cross section and narrow beam resolution potentially achievable at a muon collider.
Recent discovery of a Higgs boson boosted interest in a low-energy medium-luminosity Muon Collider as a Higgs Factory (HF). A preliminary design of the HF storage ring (SR) is based on cos-theta Nb3Sn superconducting (SC) magnets with the coil inner diameter ranging from 50 cm in the interaction region to 16 cm in the arc. The coil cross-sections were chosen based on the operation margin, field quality and quench protection considerations to provide an adequate space for the beam pipe, helium channel and inner absorber (liner). With the 62.5-GeV muon energy and 2 x 10^12 muons per bunch, the electrons from muon decays deposit about 300 kW in the SC magnets, or unprecedented 1 kW/m dynamic heat load, which corresponds to a multi-MW room temperature equivalent. Based on the detailed MARS15 model built and intense simulations, a sophisticated protection system was designed for the entire SR to bring the peak power density in the SC coils safely below the quench limit and reduce the dynamic heat load to the cold mass by a factor of 100. The system consists of tight tungsten masks in the magnet interconnect regions and elliptical tungsten liners optimized for each magnet.
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