Demonstration of white light cavity effect using stimulated Brillouin scattering in a fiber loop

Abstract in English

A passive white light cavity (WLC) based on a fiber resonator can be used for high-bandwidth optical data buffering. Here, we report on experimental studies of such a WLC, employing stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS)for producing the negative dispersion, using two different configurations. In one configuration, an absorption peak produced by a Brillouin pump is used. In the other configuration, two gain peaks produced by two separate Brillouin pumps are employed. In each case, we see evidence of the WLC effect. However, the range of parameters accessible experimentally limits the degree of the WLC effect significantly. We present a theoretical analysis for the optimal combinations of parameters, such as a high Brillouin gain coefficient and a low transmission loss, necessary for achieving the condition of a vanishing group index, as required for creating an ideal WLC.
